"Heroine of 2009" - Dawn Gibbons "NOT JUST WINDOW DRESSING!"

The blog has decided that Dawn Gibbons deserves to be named "Heroine of the Year" for 2009! First of all having to endure the public humiliation of dealing with the end of her marriage in the public forum to living behind the Gubernatorial Mansion with just a table top burner to cook on, WRONG! Had Gov. Gibbons been a gentlemen he would of made sure that she was taken care of in a manner befitting her and help her keep her dignity. Sorry to say that I voted for the man and safe to say I will not again.

Then to throw fuel on the fire..."the First Lady is window dressing!" Granted this remark came from from an aide but this would show what the general feeling was towards Dawn in the Governor's mansion and by staff which would of been directed by the Governor.

Below is an excerpt from her online biography; glad that she was dealt with fairly and will receive her share from the kaput marriage. firstlady.state.nv.us/Default.htm

"Dawn served 3 terms in the Nevada legislature as a state Assemblywoman where she worked on legislation to protect women, children, and other victims; improve the justice system; enhance the ecosystem of Lake Tahoe; and deter drug and alcohol abuse. She also started Nevada’s Organ Donor Task Force at the University of Nevada School of Medicine.

Dawn has been passionate about fighting drug abuse. She was instrumental in propelling the Crystal Darkness Campaign – a program to fight Methamphetamine – directing it not only nationwide but bringing this important campaign that began right here in Nevada and taking it worldwide."

Good luck and best wishes in 2010 to Dawn Gibbons - Our Heroine of 2009!