Lola Belle's Shares! A great new dog recipe!

Good Morning all of my Paw Pals!
The holiday was very laid back and quiet for us! Yes we had Christmas dinner with turkey and potatoes!! Yummmers! Instead of presents this year...we have enough clothes and toys..Mom gave donations to some of the causes on kat5rescue on twitter and their web address is This is a great organization and you can help all types of our furry pals!

Just in case your pawparent has some extra time and wants to bake you some extra special treats for New Years..check out this recipe below. This is by Helen Fazio, Travel Dog Blogger,

Seasonal Snacks!!

Dogs would love to be able to chow down on chocolate pinwheels, nut rolls, oatmeal lace cookies and the ever popular sugar cookies with crusty icing and cinnamon hearts, but these snacks are even worse for dogs than they are for people!

If you love Holiday baking, why not bake a batch for your doggy? To get yourself started, try something like this:

1 six ounce jar of baby food, chicken or beef
1/4 cup wheat germ
1/4 cup mashed, pre-cooked yams
1 cup nonfat dry milk

Mix it all up and drop teaspoonfuls onto a greased pan and bake at 350 degrees F for about 13 minutes or until browning. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a week. Hey, you might like them too.

Enjoy and...

Lola Belle - "Paws on the Ground"
Canine Correspondent