Lola Belle would like you to know about the wolves!

By Valentine’s Day, they could be killing pregnant wolf mothers carrying pups.

Defenders of Wildlife’s intensive efforts at the beginning of the 2010 mating season will be critical to save the lives of these wolves and their offspring. But we need your year-end help today to succeed in the first critical weeks of the New Year.

Please make a tax-deductible year-end contribution today to give these magnificent animals a fighting chance for survival.

More than 135 wolves -- including most members of the Basin Butte pack -- have already been slaughtered in Idaho.

Now anti-wolf officials are escalating their cruel campaign to eliminate wolves and their offspring. They’ve extended the wolf-killing season, which threatens pregnant mothers at well known den sites.

It’s like shooting wolves in a barrel.

Help save Idaho and Greater Yellowstone wolves -- and other endangered wildlife -- with your compassionate tax-deductible contribution.

Your donation will help fund our all-out push over the next few weeks to restore life-saving federal protections for wolves in Idaho and Montana (where 72 of the Big Sky State’s estimated 500 wolves were killed in just a few short months).

Caring people like you are helping us launch a new ad in Times Square, where millions of people will see it on New Year’s Eve. This hard-hitting ad calls on President Obama to stop the madness and restore protections for these wolves.

With your help, our crack legal team will keep fighting in federal court to restore protections these wolves, challenging the Safari Club International and others who want the wolf hunts to continue. Our Washington, DC advocates will continue to press Interior Secretary Salazar and the Obama administration to rescind the legal opinion that threw wolves to mercy of state politicians determined to destroy them.

And our staff in Boise and Missoula will keep working on-the-ground to save the lives of wolves and increase public acceptance for these icons of the American West.

To support these and other vital efforts to save the lives of wolves, we need to raise $200,000 and recruit 2,010 new supporters for our Campaign to Save America’s wolves before midnight on December 31st. Will you help us reach this goal?

Please make a tax-deductible year-end donation to help save the lives of wolves right now.

Nearly 15 years ago, Defenders of Wildlife led the restoration of wolves to Greater Yellowstone and Central Idaho. Now we need your help to stop anti-wolf forces from turning the clock back and to preserve this remarkable accomplishment.

I’m counting on your help… and so are America’s wolves.

For the Wild Ones,

Rodger Schlickeisen
Rodger Schlickeisen, President Signature
Rodger Schlickeisen
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. It’s too late for the Yellowstone Cottonwood Pack and the Basin Butte Wolf family. But together we can save the remaining wolves. Please make a secure, tax-deductible year-end donation online today or call 1-800-385-9712 to contribute by phone and help us save endangered animals.

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