Good Morning or should I say...Good Cold Morning?
WOW it was so cold that our furbrother T Bear did not even want to go out this morning (if you know what I mean!)
Here is something that is sure to delight every paw pal! A furry own dog feast courtesy of one of our local favorite stores..Three Dog Bakery! (Nationwide!) www.threedogvegas.com/
Order Your Holiday "Beast Feast" Today!
Order your pup a "fur"bulous Holiday "Beast Feast"
made by Three Dog Bakery
--Lickety Split snowman yappetizer
--Pupcake stuffed with Entrée for Dogs
--Whipped potatoes with chicken demiglace
--"Pup"kin pie
Whether you're celebrating at home or boarding your pup over the holiday, you can make Christmas "paws"itively special for your deserving doggy by ordering a Three Dog Bakery "Beast Feast" for only $19.99.
All Christmas orders must be received by December 19th and can be picked up on December 22nd or 23rd.
Click here to order. sales.dogalog@threedogvegas.com Three Dog Bakery reserves the right to substitute equal value selections based upon availability.Phone: (702) 737-3DOG (3364)FAX: (702) 898-3368
So enjoy and we are going to order ours today!!
Lola Belle "Paws on the Ground"
Canine Correspondent