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  • meridiani.planum
    03-03 06:13 PM
    Consider this:
    Even though IV has 25000 "registered" members. There are only 400-500 visitors. The same people visit the site often. The number of visitors dramatically increase, if there are newsworthy events that affects most of the people.
    So the sample size is NOT 25K but around 500, based on the daily visits.

    This of course is not a whole lot but Idea is not to be statistically correct but to feed newsworthy information to the Media, and here are the facts.
    a) 1 MM people in the line for EB green card
    b) All of them highly skilled with at least bachelors
    c) Average income 75K +
    d) Average family size: Slightly more than 2 .
    e) Life Dream : The American Dream
    f) Bottleneck to the life dream : The long ,excruciating backlogs.

    thats even worse. you are taking a poll of 500 people (*IF* you get that many respondents to this poll, my feeling is you wont cross 250) and expanding that to 1 million people in line for EB greencard.

    This is not extrapolation, its a joke.

    For the sake of the immigrant community, please dont drag CNN to to look at a poll that 200 people took of which 50 claim they would buy a house if they got a GC tomorrow. We all lose credibility if we make such statements.

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  • optimystic
    03-18 08:35 PM
    Urgh.. Here come the red squares...Why do I even bother posting comments!

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  • vagish
    04-04 02:40 PM
    It is true. But either Corporate America or Lawyers does not want to address the issues raised by Unions or anti immigrants. They want free ride and does not care about working class. No bold leadership in congress to address both sides issues. Congress members are siding with any one of two groups. Everyone knows that compromise will easily pass. But compromise will not give free ride to any group. Basically moderate H1b and GC increase with protection to US workers without wage pressurw will get most of the congress support. Even with illegal immigration also it is easy to pass if they give citizenship to existing people and allow more workers with complete protection to US workers without wage pressure will get most of congress support.
    the reason why Mccain and kennedy partnership failed, because kennedy wanted to put the fair wage clause into the bill so that futurue employees can
    atleast get the prevaling wages( it makes sense logically ), but republican Mccain didn't like it because they want employer to pay what ever they feel like,
    if that happens you will see that in future the quota for low wage workers will also get filled in one day as we saw with H1B's yesterday, and then even 400000 for semiskilled workers would not be enough.

    Iam not saying H1B get paid less, but there is lot of abuse going on,
    1500000 application just on aptil 2 tell you a lot of things, no matter how much demand is there, it is outrageous.

    when american people see that corporate america wants quota less h1B , they going to be on the streets just like illigals were last year.


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  • onemorecame
    10-20 03:31 PM
    Hi Guys

    At last today is my day.. online status changed to "Card Production Order" :)

    Hope every one will get soon.



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  • Aah_GC
    06-06 12:27 PM
    After long wait of 4.7 years ( i know it may not sound too long as some of the others), I finally got the card production ordered email yesterday. I was mostly a silent reader on IV but have contributed to IV few times since I started visiting since last year. I wish good luck for everybody waiting out there.

    Congratulations and good luck!

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  • luvschocolates
    08-21 02:17 PM
    If I was not required to fill out the form I-485, then why did USCIS send me a letter requesting me to do so? I'm sick of the smart a$$ remarks from some of you. This isn't funny and there are human beings involved. If you can't be helpful then please don't bother responding. Keep your remarks to yourself. I came here looking for some help, not a bunch of criticism and hurtful comments. It's not that simple just to go back to Canada like you think and I can't just leave the person I care for because you think I'm considered indispensible. Perhaps you'd like to talk to the people in this household and see just how willing they are to let me go. This is not just about packing up and leaving, I have roots here now and I cannot just abandon these folks. There is NO ONE to take care of them, not family, not friends and they do not want a stranger - period. We already tried that and it didn't work. How many people do you know that would willingly take care of a 500 lb. bedridden person, change catheters, bathe them and cook, clean and take care of other household chores simply for room and board? We offered the job to legal American citizens and when they heard the man was 500 lbs, they backed off before hearing the rest. I AM WILLING, he is used to me, I am used to him and there is no one else, including his own children, who will do what I do, so before you tell me I'm indispensible, try doing this job. We can't even get professional medical personnel in here to help, so exactly how am I indispensible under the circumstances? Should I just abandon him and let him rot and die in his own bed? Is that considered humane in your eyes? If he's obese does he not deserve the same quality of care as an ideal body weight person? Does his obesity make him undeserving of humane treatment? As I said, this is not just about legalities, this is about a human being needing someone to care for him and it's not that simple to get another person in here. I deal with him 24/7, I don't get a day off - would you do that? I doubt it!

    If you had to go back to your country under similar circumstances I don't think you would be any more pleased than I am. USCIS has not asked me to leave, they are requesting more information. I have no problem with that part, just the time frame given and the money involved. I am more than willing to submit what they requested, but I need more time, especially for the medical exam after reading what is required.
    As for the person that filed on my behalf, HE is the one who spoke to USCIS, so they didn't do their job if they did not tell him what was required. He wrote down every single thing they said we had to file and we did so. If they failed to mention what was needed, how would he find out? He's elderly, disabled and not computer literate so it's hard for him to look things up on his own. He simply did what they told him to do and if he screwed up, it's because he wasn't told what was needed. You can't expect everyone to be knowledgeable on stuff like this, it was all new to him and very unfamiliar.
    If I had known more was required, I would have taken care of it myself, but since he was the person to file the application - which by the way was an employment based according to what we were told, then he did only what he was told and had no clue there was more beyond that.
    I am trying to find an attorney and I will get this sorted out one way or the other, but leaving this household is not an option and if the American people care so much about each other, then I'd like to see one of them show up here and do what I do. I'm not naive enough to believe that will happen.


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  • god_bless_you
    12-13 10:57 AM
    I know , More than 50% of IV members who can not file I 485 due to retrogression will be happy to pay this nominal amount of $10 to fax letter to USCIS for rule change
    but What is the stand of Core group on this?
    No update from any one!!

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  • meridiani.planum
    03-04 01:24 PM
    I am expectin WSJ to pay a visit. So I changed the first message.

    perhaps you want to make it even simpler?

    - Remove all the LC/I-140 details, just say that we are at the last stage of a long and arduous process, and are stuck waiting because of very small immigration quota's that were set decades ago which are completely out of line with real supply-demand for the size of todays high-tech workforce. In addition USCIS inefficiency has resulted in them not utilizing even this tiny quota fully, in the past few years.
    - instead of EAD and validity just say getting a mortage is a lot easier if your immigration status is permanent. In this final stage of immigration most of us have work authorization that needs to be renewed every year, and mortgage companies dont accept that.

    copy paste the suggested fixes there (or add a link to the administrative fixes campaign post)


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  • ezee
    10-16 04:37 PM
    Don't you think we should be more clear in requesting information per specific country instead of lumping China and India together for EB-2 and others for EB-3? Also will it be too much to request pending applications by month/quarter instead of year?

    We probably want the report in this format? This is just a suggestion.
    |[indent]|EB2 - China |EB-2 India |EB-3 China |EB-3 India |EB-3 Mexico |EB-3 Phillipines |EB-3 Rest|

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  • DarkChild
    02-16 07:01 AM
    my motto is "don't start anything you can't possibly win" so i'm not gonna start on this man, that is just sick...


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  • thesparky007
    02-14 07:24 PM
    i dont even have a 3d application to try
    i would if i had 1

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  • desibechara
    04-07 06:26 PM
    I dont even remember off hand about my date.
    I think its Oct29, 2001 so I am just about there to become current.
    And if I am not wrong, they seem to be working on files which have become current. So I guess my I140 and 485 gets adjudicated together.

    Hope for the best. I hope they dont wate any time for finances because my colleague had furnished for her I140 last year only. So i guess they do ahve record and process my case quickly. its been long time now.



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  • grinch
    02-27 08:59 PM
    ahha don't worry about it soulty, i appreciate the effort.
    I actually got a bit of help from my dad and some of my edu maya books.
    Thanks guys, if i need more help, I'll ask!

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  • Pineapple
    06-13 12:03 PM
    Impact of rule 2 will be minimal and that rule will be really used not to displace
    US workers if that is the purpose. If companies are not really displacing US workers why should they bother about this rule? This rule will certainly minimise the outsourcing by laying off people as H1b persons are required for offshore co-ordination.

    Rule 3 is putting ad that is just like a Labor process in green card. It will delay h1b hiring for a month and really impact will be minimal

    Those 2 rules are worth if companies can get best people in the world(that was the intention of H1b program. That is what Google and Microsoft are arguing)

    Correct me if my understanding is wrong.
    What exactly is your point Senthil?
    If by reiterating (over and over) the "evilness" of "desi" companies insofar as impacting American workers is concerned and justifying absurdly and obviously restrictionist bills on the fond hope that it would have minimal impact on the "good" American companies who hire H1s in the exception, you wish to make it clear that you are an employee of the latter set of companies, you have certainly made your point, and do not need 364 posts to hammer it it.
    Ladies and gentlemen, Senthil is a genuine, bona fide high skilled person working for an honest American company which has high ethical standards, and is not, repeat, NOT displacing any son of the soil American.
    There - you can relax now.


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  • vagish
    07-16 06:16 PM
    Following up on the NYTimes article about the NumbersUSA group, I visited their website and saw that they have a free FAX program where they can easily send faxes to their senators.

    One of their fax letters is below, which is a complete mis-representation of truth - look at point #2.


    Dear [This fax will go to Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative ]

    I oppose any increase in the annual H-1B visa cap, including those in the SKIL Act. I am counting on you to oppose it.

    Here are just a few reasons why I hope you will oppose the SKIL Act:

    (1) The six-year visas allow foreign workers to bring in their families, and guarantee thousands of anchor babies.

    (2) H-1B salaries are tax-exempt - no FICA, no federal or state income taxes. They can live at the same level as tax-paying Americans at a lower cost. Therefore, Congress allows foreigners to "low-ball" American workers.

    (3) H-1Bs can leave the job they came to fill and seek other jobs, not necessarily in the "hard to fill" category.

    (4) Most H-1Bs are of a "protected" ethnic group, so H-1Bs have an affirmative action preference when competing with Americans for the same jobs.

    The result of the SKIL Act would be to further depress the wages of Americans working in high-tech and scientific fields and to cause additional job displacement for those workers.

    Sincerely, [Your Name Will Appear Here]


    Is there any way we could let the senators know that this is complete lie, misinformation and mis-representation of facts?. We should also let the senators know that the credibility of these organizations are questionable and following the news/faxes from these organizations would in turn put the credibility of these senators at a BIG RISK. We also should let the senators know that these groups are artificially "hiking" up the count by sending in duplicate faxes.

    Also, I recommend creating a similar page in IV website, where we can have an automated 1-2-3 STEP fax facility where we can automatically fax a letter to senators. It should be as simple as selecting the state and pressing the Send Fax button. Please let me know if you need any programming help from me.


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  • CADude
    02-21 11:19 AM
    Your friends lawyer is stupid. I know many who are GC holder by converting. File new EB2 LCA and Port the EB3 date in I140 filing. Nothing wrong with it. My company (F 500) don't do it by some crap policy. I am still waiting since PD 2001 to see light. Why? Because EB2 India is always current but EB3 India PD is May 2001 or before from last 3 years. So if possible take advantage or I am living example. Waiting from 8+ years. Sorry for venting.. :)

    My co-worker tried that and now has 3 RFE's to respond to.
    Don't know the details but mostly it looks like a scam since why did one file Eb3 in first place and how can he add more exp. while Eb3 is pending as a factor for EB2? He is respondign since OCT. but they just keep asking for more details and they have first question for 140/PERM asking - DID YOU EVER HAD ANOTHER LABOR certification besides this one?
    Be very careful-


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  • cableching
    07-12 05:44 PM
    According to this there should be a quarterly spillover ...:confused: but it looks like spillover is happening only in last quarter :D

    Spillover happens quarterly, but the visas are allocated in the last quarter! This is because the retrogressed countries are allocated their regular quota every quarter and the extra visas must be allocated based on the priority date, irrespective of the country! It would be difficult to allocate in the earlier quarters to achieve this!

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  • pcs
    07-02 07:42 PM
    I put in $100 today to fight for our cause

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  • desi3933
    03-11 11:02 AM
    The problem with this guy is he has got his GC and now he doesn't want anybody to have it. Basically he enjoys when people are having of pain. That's the reason he doesn't want any progress in PD's. Dude, if you don't like if people are talking about positve things such as "PD becomes Current" then my humble request to you is just stay-out of any converstations.

    See here this guy is also saying the same thing what my lawyer has predicted.

    Hey Joker -

    I joined IV 5 years after getting my GC. Please look at my 900+ posts and pull out one (just one) that justify your stupid thoughts.

    If that's make you happy - PD will be current next month. Now start dreaming again.

    -- desi3933

    08-12 07:41 PM
    I complete agree with your ideas and effort.
    Please count me in.

    God Bless you all

    12-22 11:06 AM
    Folks, I didn't worked for an year(2001) due to, you know what I am saying....

    Now I am afraid that I would get an RFE because of that. Do you think that I need to worry about it? :(

    Did you apply 140/485 to NSC or TSC? Did your lawyer know about this?