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  • goel_ar
    08-08 09:47 AM
    I work at one of these companies & they applied for my GC.

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  • khushig
    09-05 02:07 PM
    I along with many more are graduating every year and filing for there OPT. Few students are lucky, as they are able to find corporate employers (not desi's) who would sponsor H1. But for others, time is the constraint so they have to find alternatives. Hence for most OPT students the option is to look for desi employers.
    I feel the problem that employers (small to midsize) are not educated about H1 B process. If this happens most of the problems will be solved. But for now with so many students graduating every semester, the only option is to go through desi employers, which in a way is not a bad idea (when you think long term).

    There are many sites that provide valuable information. is one of the many sites that helps students in this matter. also provides information on some good companies.

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  • sivakumar
    02-22 01:48 PM
    thanks GCwaitforever I just wish that after april you change your name to GCRecivedFinally :->

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  • sri1309
    02-19 11:46 AM
    My assesment is not based on any single case. If this comes as law then people who are here for more than 5 years will get gc immeditely. Because of that backlog will be reduced and waiting time also will be reduced for others those who are here less than 5 years and they will also get GC. Anyhow this bill will not be taken unless CIR is introduced

    Senthil, well said.

    Those hardworking folks under < 5 years:

    We went thru this for more than 5 years and we dont want you to be in that. It wasnt a pleasure. So support this fully and once people with >5 years are cleared (note that its not counted in any quota.. which is good too.. ), then all these cases will just disappear from the waiting lists and you will suddenly see current dates as recent as 2008. Also in the parallel track people get their GCs as they cross 5 years.


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  • abcdefgh
    01-18 12:27 PM

    This is what I found from other web site when I tried to get more membership to IV. These are the comments I received for the IV. How can we make people aware of our good faith effort. This is another road block we are facing. Many people will not believe that our efforts in full good faith. IV needs to put more emphasis on these issues also.

    Just opinions.


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  • gcformeornot
    02-03 09:02 PM
    Guru's please check if this employment letter is enough for the above mentioned RFE....

    Dear Sir/Madam

    Re: Employment of Mr. John Doe

    This is to confirm that Mr. John Doe is currently employed in our organization as a Senior Software Engineer at the annual salary of $ x per year.

    Mr. Doe�s compensation package includes medical, dental benefits, sick leave and paid holidays.

    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

    Sincerely yours,
    adding these additional things salary offered in LC is met....... this will not work. Per my attorney salary offered in LC needs to be without any such things.......


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  • pcs
    04-21 08:10 AM
    Keep calling people to get active & contribute

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  • kutra
    03-04 10:29 AM
    Post Deleted by Kutra.

    Singhsa3, I applaud you for your efforts so I would not want any post in here to mar your objective.

    I think everyone should delete their posts from this thread that you don't want WSJ or other outlets to see.


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  • paskal
    07-03 03:51 PM
    I did not read in detail this debate ..but I can say that many qualified and experienced people will not agree for the above ..esp if they have kids who go to school. for e.g. ..for me to do the above is not possible at all.
    at the maximum, youngsters will do this once get some American experience.
    just imagine what the kid has to go through for such cases schooling here for 4 years schooling in India (find a school )..then the kid has to learn several languages, new system etc etc ..then comeback here and start school..almost impossible
    and I think many sensible people will not do the above ..relocating to their own country or to go to a country (like canada) is much much better in these cases.


    they have considerably raised the bar for EB1 A and EB1 b to discourage people applying, but I suspect that if you run a trend, EB1C is on the rise. I think you might be surprised about how often it does actually happen.
    I half expect EB1 to be retrogressed at some point. There is a big backlog of pending !40's in EB1- NSC is running over a year behind.

    it's a whole of 365 days. people do it, i have seen it happen. what makes you think a big multinational has to send you to india? you could go to a european office, your family could stay behind, you could be sent to an english speaking country, kids could be young enough...there are a million ways to deal with this inconveneience when the rewards are clear. even now, people in consulting travel all the time, they are hardly home, so what's the huge difference in being across the pond (you get to travel back, your family gets to travel there)? sure, not for everyone, but when possible, this loophole is very much in use.

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  • qasleuth
    01-25 10:54 AM
    It is time for new ideas and creative solutions. Here are my ideas:

    1. We cannot make this an Indians only campaign:
    Get get participation from folks of other countries. This is extremely important. I understand people from India are probably the highest number waiting to get a GC but we HAVE TO make this a broader effort.
    How?: Contact 'leaders' from other countries. Not on these forums but through personal contacts. There are too many immature kids on these forums for any meaningful dialog.

    2. MAke IV a membership only website (Forums atleast):

    This gaurantees steady flow of funds. What do members get in return ? Access to forums, updates, action items/progress, bi-weekly Newsletter etc. Membership can be as low as $5 a month.

    3. Funding Drives:

    Fantastic efforts were made from many IVians. Get more creative (Dinner where you pay for your seat - $20 per head?), get people from other nationalities involved (Indian Sub-continent, China, Philiphines, Indonesia etc).

    4. Make this effort more than getting a green card:
    This is perhaps the most important if we can pull it off. Get green card holders and naturalized Citizens involved. This will give 'bite' to our effort (imagine going to your congressman with leading members of the local immigration population). Advantage: Funds, publicity, connections to politicians etc. Members will get the advantage of a platform and derive benefit from numbers.
    How?: IV should become a platform for 'immigration issues' in general. Charity, cultural assimilation, job board, getting involved in local politics etc.

    5. Clean up forums/discussion board:

    Get rid of politics, religion discussions, period. Do not allow divisive nonsense.


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  • indianindian2006
    07-14 06:09 PM
    This is aboslutly incorrect. Dont spread false information.

    Here is the Q&A in USCIS memo abot changing employer before 180 days

    Question 10. Should service centers or district offices deny portability cases on the sole basis that the alien has left his or her employment with the I-140 petitioner prior to the I-485 application pending for 180 days?

    Answer: No. The basis for adjustment is not actual (current) employment but prospective employment. Since there is no requirement that the alien have ever been employed by the petitioner while the I-140 and/or I-485 was pending, the fact that an alien left the I-140 petitioner before the I-485 has been pending 180 days will not necessarily render the alien ineligible to port. However, in all cases an offer of employment must have been bona fide. This means that, as of the time the I-140 was filed and at the time of filing the I-485 if not filed concurrently, the I-140 petitioner must have had the intent to employ the beneficiary, and the alien must have intended to undertake the employment, upon adjustment. Adjudicators should not presume absence of such intent and may take the I-140 and supporting documents themselves as prima facie evidence of such intent, but in appropriate cases additional evidence or investigation may be appropriate

    You are correct but his case could be that his employer cancelled his 140 which could damage his case more than the use of AC21 to change employers.

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  • maximus777
    06-08 06:17 PM
    Plain and simple. From now on just imagine that you are working in one of those persian gulf countries - work on a visa as long as you work. This way its less stressful. If you have immigration intent, then enter illegally. :mad:


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  • varshadas
    01-23 12:18 PM
    Welcome aboard Hemal.

    So here is the deal. The congressman to whose district I do not belong will not entertain any requests.

    I called up Mike Ferguson and Rodney P. Frelinghuysen office.
    Mike Ferguson's office asked me to fax to the request to his office
    and I have to write a letter to Rodney P. Frelinghuysen with details of the issue and who will be attending the meeting.

    So I guess, you guys have to contact your local congressmen unlike what I had originally thought.

    List of the senators and the congressmen

    To find your local representative

    There is no schedule right now for ongoing conference calls. They are adhoc. There was a tri-state chapter call on 1/19/07. Whenever, there is a conference call, there will be a thread in the forums about it.

    IV has suggested that the senators of NJ are pro-immigration and that the congressmen are divided. When you call up your local congressmen, just say that you are calling to request a personal meeting with the Congressmen to discuss the immigration legislation.

    I am going to talk to IV and find out the exact contents of the letter/fax that we would be sending.

    Here is the format letter that you should use to request appointment from your local congressman

    Date: 01/24/2007

    Dear Congressman XXXX,

    I am a concerned constituent writing to you on behalf of ImmigrationVoice, a non profit organization working to get the problems of Employment based Legal Immigration to the attention of lawmakers. I would like to request for a meeting to discuss the problems that the legal high skilled immigrant community is facing.

    Employment Based Legal immigration is currently facing some of the worst waiting periods in the recent past. Applicants have to wait to finish their final phase of immigration for as many as 6-7 years because of the lack of employment based green card numbers which is also called Green Card Retrogression. The reasons for these are certain bureaucratic delays, flawed practices and procedures and arcane laws which are not in tune with reality at all.

    Please also note that there are more than 350,000 Labor applications pending at the Labor department to be processed. Some of them are as old as from year 2000. These applicants are waiting for certification from the US Department of Labor as high-skilled workers who are not displacing existing American workers in the market.

    Subsequent to rigorous but unfruitful recruitment efforts by our employers and other processing stages by USCIS, we still have to face prolonged wait times. It is also to be noted that most of us are already working in the U.S. for the past 5-6 years and are contributing to the U.S. economy in the form of taxes etc - some of which we do not derive any benefit from. This also hurts the businesses in your constituency like my employer because they have to wait indefinitely to hire talented applicants on a permanent basis. This is a very important issue and will determine whether the United States of America remains competitive in the fields of science and technology and retains the best talent from around the world.

    ImmigrationVoice is a nonprofit organization comprised of volunteers who are suffering due to these delays and wish to bring this important issue in front of their lawmakers. Hence I would request an appointment so that I can explain these problems and ask for support for some of the legislative measures that have been introduced to alleviate these problems.
    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you.

    (Place holder for your signature)
    Your name:
    Your address:
    Your email:

    You may have to make minor changes depending on how the Congressman wants the letter. One of the congressman contacted as for the number of people attending.


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  • crazyghoda
    01-30 01:14 PM
    What I am not understanding is - why are they even looking at my case now? There are 4 years of applicants ahead of me, why cant the USCIS process those applications first?

    I have a sickening feeling that this is going to become more and more common in this economic situation. There must a push from above to reduce the backlogs and if they cannot approve the cases they are going to find a way to deny them on some pretext or other.


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  • paskal
    03-16 02:01 PM
    dont "warn" think i give a damn about your "warning"??

    the right to speak is MINE. all YOU can do from your high horse is ban me from the forum.

    i really dont care, i still think interfilers and substituters should get what they derserve. every single bit of it. may they really, truly, go to hell, and stay there indefinitely.

    and NO, dont preach to me about trying to "fix" the system. the agenda here is mostly EB3, and mostly Indian, at best. the multitudes of diploma holders get pissed when i call them out for what they are...........why are THEY so sensitive and ashamed???

    i have a RIGHT to be in the proper EB queue, which i EARNED, and did not employ cheap desi-employer tricks and other games to get into........if that does not answer your doubts my friend, then as i said earlier, ban me..........i dont really care either way.

    i dont advertise what i have done or can do for IV. somehow, that is a little demeaning. sort of like going to a temple and offering some money and then coming out and proclaiming to one and all how generous a give you are....

    so i will try one last time.

    your issues are whatever they are, i did not ask you to change your mind on them, neither did i choose to debate you on them. we all acknowledge that this is a bad system, and we all we can do is try fix it. of course like you we could simply vent, curse and blame everyone as well. not that will change a thing.

    now the issue with your posts is your language and your tenor. kindly fix that.
    yes i can ban you, i choose not to at this time. and yes take it as another warning. if you are contributing to iv action that is wonderful. language like this will however not be tolerated on this forum. please read the posting guidelines if you have doubts. i have posted the link and a snippet for your reference below. now chill out a bit and don't have a "coronary". we are all frustrated. what you are doing is not helping.

    "Posts that denigrate members, potential members or even anti-immigrant groups not welcome - such posts are against Immigration Voice principles. Immigration Voice reserves the right to take action against such posts and posters. You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this Forum to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, disrespectful, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law."

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  • komaragiri
    08-09 12:25 AM
    I am spending sleepless nights worrying...and regarding resubmitting, is it not a waste submitting it twice - will they encash the checks twice?


    it seems to be a better idea to just enclose the RN # and submit the EVL separately...
    When did you submitted your applications?


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  • knacath
    10-31 09:14 PM

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  • mpadapa
    09-26 10:00 AM
    Just wrote an email to the editor...Hopefully he learns and corrects the article..

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  • pcs
    11-12 09:57 PM
    It not about law... it is about following the law...

    If you want quick action shoot letters ALL AT THE SAME TIME.... Just decide the name and the address of recipients .... Attach the copy of the rule and write the letter .....

    Just make enough noise so that they can not ignore this rule...

    03-19 11:39 AM
    I called USCIS this morning and the lady took 3 mnute to explain me why the delay was happening. She mentioned that they will conduct a sweep on Fri Apr 4th to determine the I-485 cases in light of new visa bulletin and that cases will be assigned to IOs by Mon Apr 14th.
    Not that I believe on help desk type of info with their primary job is get the caller off the phone but I have to admit that she was polite.
    I will call again on Apr 4th and keep the forum updated.

    Thanks for the update!! dude...

    03-11 11:36 PM
    Real April fool