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  • imh1b
    03-12 11:39 AM
    Sorry to break your heart. People use a the words like "ass" and "dick" all the time, nobody really mind reading these words. Why would the same words in Hindi be so offensive ???
    Think about that.

    You called me Dick Head, would it be fair if I call you Lund Ka Topa. Its the same thing, just translated.

    Apologize if I offended someone else, I was trying to be funny.

    Please go ahead and write these words 'dick' and 'ass' to your office collegues from your office email. Let us see if you survive your job even for an hour.

    You are an illiterate so called best and the brightest who are demanding greencrd but do not even deserve to be in this country. This country does not need such people. Slums of India is best for you and you will enjoy to live in Mayavatiland and Lalooland. It is people like you who bring bad repute to all Indians. Read The real news about India (
    and A Zillion reasons to escape from India (

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  • trueguy
    07-02 10:13 PM
    I support online petition idea and can get more than 50 friends to sign it.

    Lets start it as soon as possible so it can have an positive impact on those three pending bills that will be presented to Congress this summer.


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  • mariner5555
    03-06 06:48 AM
    Many of them during the letters campaign, and most are ready to buy a home within a year of getting their green cards!

    On ther other hand I personally know a very highly educated guy (IITBombay, MS then PhD in Electrical Eng- with a specialization in wireless tech) who got his EB GC 2-3 years too late... by that time the tech boom was over but the housing boom had already begun... so he decided to wait a few more years. Now he feels bad about the whole thing, and wonders if he should have bought a home when he was on H1B-- even if it would be frought with risk! That way, he would have been a millionaire today-- just like his friends who got their GCs and bought homes well in time.

    8 years later, the history is repeating itself.
    500,000+ people are patiently waiting in the EB GC queue... and chances are they will helplessly watch as home prices hit the bottom, and then rebound a few years later.

    Some of them might decide to take the plunge and buy a home to take advantage of the low prices. However, many of them may be simply denied this chance becasuse their future is tied to a plastic card that has to be renewed every year!

    Singhsa, sorry cannot help you right now with the media... maybe you can try getting help from the IV-media team?
    personally I know many friends who did not buy house and are happy that they didnt (as it gave them flexibility). one of them is IITian who chose not to apply for a green card and he went back (and is at a higher post in mumbai).also I know many friends who bought house and are repenting because they brought it at height of bubble - they feel they should have waited for a longer time as they could have brought house in a better location (now they are staying 50 miles away from airport and 25 miles away from job in tough commute) - so personal experiences dont mean much.
    BTW --housing is not the best way to become rich (unless you were successfully buying and selling houses (flipping) during the golden boom days - i.e 2003 - 2007) ..those days are gone and probably we wont see that again in our lifetime.
    there are many articles nowadays which give you an example of the above ..also prices maybe lower ..but it will go down more ..and those who buy should think of their house as a place to stay(and if they really need the large space) ..not necessarily an investment.

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  • dealsnet
    03-19 11:12 AM
    The conservative approch for the dependants is 1.2 to 1.5 times the labor approvals. Not all people have a dependants.
    Husband and wife have labor approved. Like my case, my wife have labor approved, but I have file with my labor, which have older PD. Working family with husband and wife in H1B most of them have labor approved. So the actual number will be diffrent.

    From the PERM statistics,
    ROW adjustment should be 55% from the total number of pending cases
    EB3 are 30%

    If the total number of case pending with USCIS is 833,141 (all I-485 including Family based) (based on 12/31 numbers), so EB3 ROW are only 137,468. This means that with the current trend of DOS to avoid wasting GC we should expect the cut-off dates for EB3ROW to be 2006/2007.

    Even if I take your figures at face value, I see a shortage of 60000 visas. This is because we need to consider that each LC will use more than one EB visa (due to family members). If I take a conservative figure that there will be one dependent for each LC candidate, we will need 200,000 EB visas for the 100,000 LCs.


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  • thesparky007
    03-08 05:06 PM
    Hi Sparky! Well a quick google search turned some results, hope you find them usefull,

    Some video tutoriasl, from begginer, to more advanced:

    These seem nice, some of the basics of modeling are shown:

    And these are introductory tutoriasl to Blender from, those look really nice and easy to follow along:

    and another one... almost the same
    thx man!
    the 2nd one was really helpful, i ll go home and make them...
    once again thank you bluesun

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  • chanduv23
    01-30 04:40 PM
    Most times, desi employer looks for himself in these cases. These jobs are not obtained by stringent interview processes. Consulting companies and candidates kinda use each other to legally get into the system.

    While someone wants to do h1b for their wife, the only way seems to be conssulting companies or MS - OPT - job.

    When people have the luxury of approaching consulting companies to do h1b for wives and nephews etc... they must also be ready for crap. Will someone approach Microsoft for doing h1b for wife??

    We all know it is not easy to geta job if you don't have good US experiencee and such candidates are a challenge to get placed, thats why consulting companies request u to pay payroll taxes so that they can legally run payroll and keep u on rolls till u get placed.

    It is totally upto a person whether they want to deal with this or not.


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  • hpandey
    04-09 05:41 PM
    On the same note, Kumarc123, it is hard to see them working with 2001 EB3-India category for more than 5 years. 245(i) or not...still 5 about that.

    Anyway, my point is let us leave predictions. USCIS gave their predictions way back in their Jan 2010 bulletin. Maybe we all should stick with what dates they gave us than we trying to predict.

    Now another venting, more calculations, more uproar everything will continue for 1 more week from our members...:rolleyes:

    I completely agree with you . For five years EB3 is stuck in 2001 that means people who came here 10 years back are still waiting. Something needs to be done by someone somewhere but I guess no one has any idea who can ( except the congress ) .

    All of my friends about 10-15 of them who came with me in 2000-2001 timeframe got their GC's and their citizenships in EB3 ( none in EB2 ) and I am still hanging .

    I wonder what was that which made their application go by light speed and my application go into a blackhole :)

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  • vivekm1309
    07-17 03:28 PM
    let us keep fighting /exposing these liars.

    Great ..the tax related point has been removed. I did write to them that my lawyers will be contacting them with proof my tax returns.

    Let us attack more points ...finally they will shorten this fax message to one point ...:)


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  • GCKaIntezar
    01-30 10:51 AM
    Waiting for the finalized copy of the flyer. Please post it today, I'll review and re-post for others to comment.

    Let me know when do you want to do it? How about this Friday?


    I will send the flyer statements that I think we can put tonight. Like I said, I am not very creative, but I will put my ideas out there. Thanks Sanjay for finding out the EBC details. I like the 30 mins 500 dollars. We can pool in some money from our side and do a 30 mins program. I think it will be still worth it.

    Did you guys distribute flyers at Metropark?


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  • gsc999
    09-20 02:37 AM
    Congratulations to all of us for having marched yesterday, I was extremely impressed with the level of organization. Salut to everyone who made it possible.
    However, I have a whole bunch of points, sorry if they come out strong....

    1) I absolutely agree with the 'Legal' Immigration issue, we did look as if we were immigrants and not defined as legal, I think high-skilled is secondary to the legality... This is one of the reasons I have not purchased merchandise, as it looks like it addresses immigration as such. I think banner by Chinese group exphasizing the legal aspect looked very impressive..

    2) It was obvious from speeches on Monday night and yesterday (friendship between US and India comments, etc) that this is seen as an Indian issue. Unless you are trying to show it as such, something has to be done about it. Non-indians were marching with you as well, and next time effort should be made to put together Indian, Chinese and whoever else when putting pictures, RollCall for example, or talking to the press, or talking to representatives. I have expressed my desire and submitted all information to the person in charge of organizing meetings on Capitol Hill, but was not provided with this oppportunity..
    Basically, it was clear that, as of now, even many representatives see the issue as Indians versus Mexicans... Not a good idea....

    3) I thought that some of the signs were extremely offensive to the Americans "We brought you yahoo/hotmail/google" and as such... if I were an American contemplating about my views on the immigration, and if I were as patriotic as many Americans are, I would be upset with the messages putting down local brains...

    4) It was a very impressive effort by Chinese group, thumbs up. Although very strange that so ew of them showed up. My CHinese colleague who alreday has GC and helped distribute info to his friends, told me that all 5 Chinese papers in the area had big announcements about the Rally

    5) I agree with disappointment about local people, it seemed like there were many more members from CA, NY and other places than VA/MD/DC, we should all be wokring on raising awareness.

    All for now
    Agains, congrats to all of us
    Good observation.

    Here is my response. to point # 1 & #3.

    Look, legal immigration is not just restricted to employment based immigration, it includes family based immigration. So if you say you support legal immigration that doesn't differentiate your message, infact, compared to 950K family based annual visas only 140K go to employment based legal immigrants. IV's agenda is employment based immigration. We are very clear about where we stand.

    Now point # 3. No Americans are not upset about confronting the reality about Hotmail, Google and other companies that create jobs for Americans. How can they, we are a country of immigrants. These placards were carefully selected and a lot of due diligence went into their selection and all of them had a positive message.

    Having said that, if you notice none of the IV members who attended the rally ever congratulated the Indian or English core members. Your post is the first post which thanks individual communities.

    I agree with rest of your message and that is why we need more support from members like you to bring diversity to IV. This is not an Indian organization and we never claim it to be. We need your paricipation to prove that point.


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  • quizzer
    08-15 04:02 PM
    In fact better than expected for EB2

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  • rodnyb
    04-11 01:05 AM
    I agree wholeheartedly. CIS has the burden for cases. DOS should do sth. too, not just a number game. They should have exact visa approval number published every months. Due to this past pdf error, I have concerns on all their numbers published.. did they give enough numbers to CIS.. are all those reports which show they approved 140K EB real?

    If we know, they issued only 50K in 11 months, and we should have concern they can let CIS approve 90K in one month due to spill over... make sense? Or they can make it up some way?

    Man, we paid for all these, and they even didn't blink...

    Here, DOS has a bigger role than CIS...

    Here is what I think; possible answers/comments. I am not an expert but am thinking following:

    1. Any category being "current" is based on "DOS's guesstimate" based on demand numbers they receive and so it is never "perfect". So yes, you are true that technically EB1 should be retrogressed "slightly", but considering the small number of spillover (now called fall down numbers) it used, it may not have been able to be predicted prior to the end of fiscal year.

    2. That is the biggest hope and assumption that there will be more fall down from EB5 and EB1 due to "economy". Caveat is, more and more people are trying to switch to "current" categories and so actual usage may not be commensurate with "economy". We have never been given any "usage data". So everything is a pure guess on this front. Looking at data, I honestly do not see any difference in number of EB1 cases from 2008-2009-2010.

    3. Yes, it is due to "spillover" from Family based category. (This is where DOS is using the word "spillover" and any visa number that go from one EB to another EB category, they all it "fall across" and "fall down"). These numbers used to be higher before and now lower as they are more efficient in using as many numbers as possible for a particular category.

    4. Pending 485 data is extremely deceptive for "current" categories. Look at the approval timeframe of EB2 ROW or EB1 cases; majority of them are approved before ever counted as "pending". Remember. "pending cases" DO NOT reflect "usage".

    The main thing missing in all these is the "USAGE", this should be a very easy information that can be made available by DOS, but they have not. If I had one "wish" to get one piece of info; would be this: "number of visa used in each category every month and YTD". Without that info, no prediction of spillover/fall down-across is ever possible.


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  • RNGC
    09-20 07:49 PM
    Whilst in general a name change does sound like a good idea, we have spent a lot of time and money making sure that Immigration Voice as an organization is known.

    It makes no sense to through that away

    I am in no way trying to argue....I understand that "ImmigrationVoice" is now known very well changing it to "LegalImmigrationVoice" we are not doing a whole lot of change, just adding a "Legal" in front.....we should maintain the same logo, so our identity will not change!

    Just imagine you have no idea what IV is, you just come across the word "ImmigrationVoice" - how does it sound to you ? For me it sounds like we are just a pro-immigration group......No way it sounds like a Legal Immigration group....

    Here in US large companies change its not too late......adding a word "Legal", "Highly skilled" etc will go a long way for our future generations......

    Just my $0.02

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  • GoneSouth
    03-07 08:38 AM
    Get a new attorney. Seriously.


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  • gcformeornot
    03-16 12:54 PM
    dude, you don't know jack.........there is no "eligibility" when it comes to EB2 or EB3.

    The FUC@#NG job has to demand a Master's for EB2.

    It's not like the monkey-jobs that you fools do for fuc@#ng two-bit desi employers who are anywhere from 5-100 people strong NEED an EB2 !!!!

    any monkey can do 99% of the jobs that desi EB3 people do on the West Coast and the East Coast...........that's reality. It's YOUR problem if you cannot stomach this reality.

    And all these folks have the audacity to call themselves "highly skilled"!!! hahahahahaha..............errr, by the way, what school did most of these people go to? Lemme guess..........some SDNMDFDF Institute of Tech in some freakin village in India??

    If they did not qualify for EB2, then they should have FU@#%NG worked HARDER when they could.............should have gotten a good degree........and landed a respectable job in a BIG company....

    And don't preach what you have no knowledge about, ok buddy?

    For the record, i have NEVER used any legal shortcut ever.

    that's the best way to get rid of such fools......

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  • yetanotherguyinline
    05-15 03:00 PM
    If you are considering MBA please do these things before you decide.

    1. Be absolutely sure why you want a MBA (have a specific reason like I want to move into ABC career or I want to do XYA in X years). Research the programs available and pick a program that suits your goals.

    2. Talk to spectrum of people who have either achieved or on a patch to achieving ABC or XYZ you have identified in the above step. Find out how MBA helped them achieve their goals. Talk to people who have just finished MBA or in class right now along with people who have done MBA 10 years ago.

    MBA is not just a degree, its much more than that. Depending on the program you get into, the brand and the networks can add far more value than what just a degree could have.

    Disclaimer: I am enrolled in MBA program at Haas (University of California, Berkeley). So my views might be biased.


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  • mayhemt
    02-10 10:28 AM
    Can anyone suggest hotels and/or if already booked can you post those hotel name & locations?

    Also, just a suggestion, this thread is getting complicated as far as matching donors with travelers is concerned... May be create a Google spreadsheet with all the donors (miles, accommodations) and match them with travelers from just one central location?

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  • idlinginc
    04-09 03:40 PM
    Hello Everyone,
    I have created google group for NJ Chapter and there are four members in this group so far. If you can send me your email ID then I will let you join..

    Varsha: I will see if I can change ownership of group to you. It is much easier to communicate through emails then looking at chapter posting..

    Thank you

    Dear ak27,

    Could you post the groups URL so that I can join?

    Best Regards.

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  • bmoni
    04-09 06:43 PM
    Thanks Papu !!!! thats great....

    Visa Bulletin for May 2010 (

    07-24 01:22 AM
    is she using her own FAQ? USCIS FAQ has different question at Q9.

    Yes this is the lawyer's own FAQ i was referring to.

    08-21 12:03 AM
    My company filed EAD for me and my wife along with 485 recently. I am on L1 and My wife is on L2. Is is possible to file one more EAD on L2 status. Looks like, we can get EAD on L2 faster than EAD with 485. My company attorney is suggesting me not to file one more EAD because one with 485 is pending with USCIS. Is it ok to file one more with L2? how long it will take to get EAD on 485 and EAD on L2.