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  • anand2007
    07-03 03:34 PM
    DOS says USCIS suddenly did backlog case reduction. Why USCIS didn't communicate to DOS regarding this action before or immeditely after july Visa bulletin was issued. Suprisingly when DOS issued revision USCIS immediately acted on it and started rejecting applications based on DOS revision.Also how can backlog reduction be unexpected action when they are clearing backlog cases for a month.
    It is clear to me USCIS and/or DOS is playing with the legal immigrants, even if this is a genuine situation, this is reckless behaviour from USCIS/DOS. It's time to teach a lesson to the USCIS regarding this. In the worst case, if we can't correct the situation at this time, we should atleast teach them that they can't do this in future.They wasted my money and time and caused mental tension. I just contributed $100 to fight. If we don't fight for ourselves who will???.

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  • yawl
    07-16 05:13 PM
    they are shameless liars and racists

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  • lord_labaku
    07-11 12:50 PM
    I dont think USCIS intends to take out the visa numbers for them.

    DOS (who publishes the visa bulletin) wants USCIS to take out the numbers....but USCIS sits all day scratching their bottoms & not approving any cases with current priority dates.

    P.S : Pardon my crassness; but people waiting in line would definitely understand frustration.

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  • GCard_Dream
    12-28 11:54 AM
    I had a situation last year when I was flying Thai airlines to Bangkok from Phoenix. Thai airlines allows 70 LB per luggage and 2 luggage per person. However, since there is no Thai flight from Phoenix to Bangkok, I had to fly United from Phoenix to Los Angeles. Here is the problem. Since I was flying international, I thought United would allow me to take 70 LB because that's what is allowed on Thai but they didn't let me do that. They said that it was a domestic flight from Phoenix to LA and would only allow 50 LB. They asked for another 1000 dollars to check in my luggage to my final destination, Bangkok. I, of course, didn't want to pay that kind of money so they checked my bag only up to LA and I had to pay about 150 bucks for the extra 20 LB weight. I then had to claim my luggage in LA and then re-check in with Thai and I didn't have to pay any extra money aside from all the hassle of check-out and check-in again.

    Is this normal procedure when you are flying international? What's the use of Thai allowing 70 LB when you can't do that with your connecting flight or is it just United trying to squeeze some of my hard earned money? What's the best way to avoid this kind of situation again aside from only taking 50 LB? Is there any clear guideline on connecting flights?


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  • forever_waiting
    02-16 04:03 PM
    Completely understand.
    On a related note, as pappu pointed out on another thread, it would be really nice if senior members, in general, who have got GCs in the past years continue to stay involved since their past advocacy experience is greatly valuable. Several such senior members have continued to stay involved but some have taken a back seat after "getting greened". Ideally, it should be the opposite - shouldnt getting a GC inspire us to be further involved in the process and get the issue resolved?

    I see and agree with what you say. I sponsored myself the last 2 times I went for advocacy days but this time the situation is different - I've got my green card already and therefore finding it difficult to justify the expenses to my wife.

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  • glus
    02-21 12:32 PM

    Can someone please tell if we can port to EB2 from EB3 even after using AC21 and statred working on EAD??


    yes, you can unless your eb3 I140 has been revoked for fraud or misrepresentation of facts.


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  • ingegarcia
    02-15 04:40 PM
    What is the current % of India/China folks in USA now that threaten to affect diversity ? Also how many (% ) from Italy,Ireland,UK etc ?
    Anything published ? Just curiosity ( not questioning any current laws )..

    Agree and this is why they are trying to stop illegal immigration from latin american countries.

    BTW I am from latin america but I am not illegal :)

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  • svr_76
    06-10 12:51 PM
    @hpandey : I dont think that this is any "racist" amendment. I think this amendment is more geared towards the perception that Microsoft (US) (and the simmilars) when firing ppl in US fire citizen and "hire" (H1B ppl immediately). I think if at all it needs improvement on what they mean by "same title" as within the same title people skills/trade would be different.


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  • .soulty
    03-11 12:14 AM
    bluesund.. your wireframes are different than the final render?

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  • chanduv23
    01-30 01:57 PM
    It is just not desi compaanies, but small companies in general want to save every peenny and would like to extract more work and would not mind about ur status or legality but will just get their work done.

    When you join desi company you have to deal with crap. Must be very careful while inbetween projects and make sure u don't accrue any bench time.


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  • alex99
    04-07 05:04 PM
    HI BharatPremi,

    Thanks for your response.
    are the cases with 'Received Regional Office' status should be counted as Certified cases?.


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  • StarSun
    02-22 09:13 AM
    We need your time, your enthusiasm on the advocacy days. IV is a grass roots organization. You are the grass roots.

    We face problems of backlogs, and career uncertainty. IV is offering a solution, if implemented, it will bring relief to all. IV needs your help to deliver what you and I "NEED" AND "WANT".


    We need heavy participation on the lobby days, I need volunteers from different states to ask me "How can I help?" instead, I am trying to find volunteers! I have been able to persuade members who have received GCs to help out, but getting members who are still in the mess are either unaware of the advocacy days (in spite of the thread running on the home page for the past month) or are not ready to talk to the employers to take the two days off. Capitol Hill runs on weekdays and therefore it is necessary for you to take the time off.

    Come on guys, you can do better than this. Donors, members, guests - we are all in this together!

    VA/MD/DC members, please come forward to host members from out of town. Help them to reduce costs!

    Members who have accumulated airmiles, please come forward to donate them.

    Members living in neighboring states to DC (or at least at a driving distance) find friends/members to car pool with you to the event.

    Members who have unavoidable situations at work or home and cannot participate, help fellow members to bear the costs, please donate to their trip. They are willing to take the time off, and will be representing you and your state. Why not help them?

    If you decide that you will support this effort, you will find a way to help. Anything else is just an excuse! Sorry, to say this, but that is just a fact!


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  • vivid_bharti
    05-06 09:25 PM
    Can you please brief us regarding what action IV has taken...
    Thanks for sending the letter to USCIS and now posting the response here. IV has taken action in this regards.

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  • eilsoe
    03-07 05:32 PM
    well I've realized now that I can't get this thing done in time, so here's my not-so-final-but-as-final-as-it-gets images... :)

    (as seen through a surv. camera)

    (as rendered through Max)

    I really wanted to add more to 'em... :(

    oh, well, consider them my finals :)



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  • GreenMe
    06-10 04:27 PM
    Done and sent out to 10 other friends.

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  • reddog
    09-19 11:50 AM
    nojoke, do you even have a job?
    why on earth are you so worried.

    Your rants are getting endless, you are spreading pessimism everywhere. like you were a hedge fund manager and are going to file bankruptcy.
    btw, during the dotcom thing, just the telecom company hit was close to $750 billion. And with the big VC funded ventures completely got wiped out, the losses were much large.
    also the people that were affected, huge job losses. thousands of people showing up at small job fairs. it was a recession. economies go into recession, and come out of it.

    And media likes pessimism, they like destruction, mayhem. If you have not figured that out yet, it is time.

    yes, some of the concerns are valid, but you talk like nostradamus, as if you know whats happenin. like the country is going to pack its bags and every citizen is going back to where their ancestors came from. get real.
    economies fail, its how much time it takes to bounce back is what matters.

    I would say just chill, spend quality hours at your job then you did before, keep it secure, spend time with your family. live your life happily.

    We are citizens of the world and with the globalization that has spread, the ripple effect is going to be felt far and wide.
    These Investment banks has presence in over 50 countries worldwide.

    You can run, but you cannot hide.

    Everybody understands that we get this ups and down. The cycles once in a while gets bad. Very bad. We had great depression. This could be a great depression for the financial market. Lehman, which has survived 150 years and many economic cycles closed 2 days ago. So did Bear strerns fold. The dotcom bubble is what - 100 billion max? 200 billion? Here we are talking about trillion dollars.

    FDIC has only 50 billion. It can cover a big bank like washington mutual. Can it take another big bank? Wachovia?
    This time it is not going to strengthen US position. China is talking about creating a separate world currency and they are not happy with US currency. If china dumps, dollars, a lot of countries will follow.

    This is just financial institues. It will have ripple effect on rest of the economy.

    FDIC doesn't protect more than 100K if you open different accounts in the same bank. However joint accounts and beneficiary can get you protected for 200K.


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  • chanduv23
    09-12 11:08 AM _businessweek+exclusives

    Everyone must come to the rally

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  • desi3933
    02-03 07:15 AM
    Here is the text under the attachment section

    The record contains a letter from your prospective employer. The letter indicates that you have been employed by XXXXXX company as a Senior Software Engineer. However, the record does not contain any evidence which establishes the salary or compensation package being offered. Therefore you must submit a currently issued letter or other evidence from the prospective permanent employer indicating that the salary or compensation package being offered.

    PD Mar 2002
    485 RD SEP 2007

    Submit job offer letter indicating job title and salary for the GC job. The letter must also mention that this job is permanant.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • new_horizon
    10-21 12:03 AM
    reasoning with you. I can easily refute all your claims, and also prove my point. but I think it'll be a waste of my time. 'coz I am not trying to convert anybody to vote for the repubs. just can't help it, never heard anybody hiring a CEO just because he has experience organizing the company picnic :D . peace.

    12-27 06:55 PM
    So you were in Amsterdam for 1 day. ;) Did you visit any of the legal hesh bars? (Just kiddin).
    all the stranded formed a group & wnet around the city.. so didn't get he chnace to venture out.. we did go thru' the 'main' area though.. & yes that evening Hooland lost their Worldcup soccer game too..

    07-05 12:20 PM
    Who was the Einstein who came up with this suggestion...

    No Desi brethren will connect if you make it paid. Just tell me how many would use google if google charged you 1c for a search.

    Each one of you guys, instead send emails to big media outlets such as CNN, ABC, CBS and FOX. In the email, send I-485 story and the following link that states Rep Lofgren's statement.


    No one needs to be Einsten to come up with this.

    IV is not desi. IV = folks affected by retrogression and othe immigration issues

    Comparing Google and IV is like comparing apples and oranges. Still to answer your Q, Google has other ways to make money. IV has none.

    I have sent Rep Lofgren's link to a lot of reporters.