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    05-15 10:30 AM
    actually online MBA costs 2 times more than regular MBA in most cases..they dont have concept of instate/out-of-state tuition for online.yeah its online but still people can be within the state paying state taxes or whatever..

    they should consider this, I say :cool:

    That's bull. Online at top-rated university costs as much as full-time but definitely not more. Most of the top-notch universities don't even differentiate in-state and out-of-state. M.B.A is a money printing machine for them. Assistantships, in full-time schools, are very few and scarce and competition for them is pretty high. I have friends going to Darden School of Business as full-time students and they are paying close to $70k in fee alone. Add to this the cost of living, books etc. Times are pretty bad now and few of them couldnot even get internships for this summer and few who got had had their offers rescinded. For full-time school you have to consider something called "Opportunity Cost". There was a article in Businessweek which mentioned that a Harvard full-time M.B.A will take 15 years to break-even on his M.B.A investment. The reason for this is that he will be spending $80k on fee alone, another $20-30k for living expenses for 2 years, another 10-20k in books and other expenses. At the same time he would have lost on a average $160-200k in 2 year salary and benefits. Combines together it adds upto $300k which can be invested at average 6% interest, if you are a savvy investor, and get good returns. Assuming a Harvard M.B.A graduate on a average make $120k out-of-school if would take 15 years for him to break-even even with all the increments and bonuses.

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  • Canuck
    02-13 10:46 PM
    Dear friends,

    I am appalled and disgusted by the mudslinging going on between ROW and India-born applicants. If any of you remember your history lessons from high school, the English used this exact policy of "Divide and Rule" to keep control over their colonies.

    For example, in India, they would go into Moslem dominated cities, discriminate against them for jobs, and put Hindus in more prestigious positions, and vice-versa. They did this after the first war for independence in 1857 where Hindus, Moslems, rich and poor fought to overthrow the British occupation.

    The very same policy is used by the U.S. government to control their population:

    1) Per country quotas in EB immigration cause infighting

    2) Infighting causes immigrant activists like IV to lose focus and weaken the agenda

    3) Infighting results in racism between ROW, India, and China, which causes Americans to watch the circus, shake their heads and lobby for more immigration control

    4) Poor regulation in the H1B program cause Americans to lose their jobs and blame the Indians and Chinese

    ...and the elite sit back, sip their martinis, and watch the fun.

    So you have two choices before you:
    1) Keep fighting, achieve none of the 3 main IV objectives, and continue your bonded slavery or
    2) Unite as one to achieve all 3 objectives, and throw off your shackles

    Remember, "Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere" - Martin Luther King

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  • sri1309
    09-10 06:01 PM
    Its time to ask for our share.
    Our strong points must be anyone legally in US for 8+ years must be granted Citizenship. We have suffered the pain, now they do something to help forget that. 5 years, should be eligible for a GC.
    We must push for this. Unless you ask, why will they even bother. Doenst mean we didnt ask in the past, but we must ask what we deserve.
    8 years+, worked like a dog, behaved responsibily everywhere, have good qualifications. etc etc.. what else do you need to do. We shouldnt be paying for their lapses. We must push them and also push our employers again and again and again till we get this. US is very good in many aspects, but lagging here. Unless you highlight it, unless you say ALOUD that we are not respected here, they will not hear.. We need a campaign that none is seeing or taking any initiative in the last 3 months. I see 10s of threads talking same things..
    Core guys.. we need your help

    $100 one time.

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  • stucklabor
    07-24 02:15 PM

    No offense taken.

    But any other IV core member is going to give the same answer, poll or no poll. Even if all 5000 IV members tell the core group to lobby USCIS to allow 485 filing with visa number unavailability, the answer is going to be the same - that is a request to USCIS to break the law, hence IV will not waste any time on it.

    And it is sad that you think that voicing your opinion will get you banned from the IV site.


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  • gcdreamer05
    10-20 01:31 PM
    Obama or Mccain or Joe the plumber whoever becomes the next president, the bottom line is, nothing is going to happen with regards to reforms for legal immigration atleast for teh first 1-2 years. So we are all still going to keep posting in IV forums, predicting VB dates and fighting between Eb2 and Eb3..... that is really the sad reality....... because these guys have far more important issues to deal and to steer titanic america.......

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  • Rajeev
    01-31 04:28 PM
    This is what I have come up with so far. Please everyone, feel free to modify this:

    Have you been following at the snails pace movement of the priority dates? If not, here are some reminders
    EB3 moved 2 weeks in 10 months!
    EB2 hardly moved in 10 months!

    If this is the rate at which things move, you will get your Green Card in anywhere from 5 to 15 years based on your priority dates.

    Do you know how this affects you?
    � Frustration of sticking to the same employer and no career growth.
    � Children not being able to get state benefits.
    � Spouses unable to work.
    � The feeling of unsettlement.
    � Above all, tons of mental stress.

    Do you want be in this mess for ever. I am sure you don�t. We deserve better.

    We all have to fight together to fix this broken immigration system and achieve IV�s goals to
    � Remove retrogression
    � Remove backlogs in labor certification
    � Remove backlogs in I-140 and I-485 processing
    � Revise the way visa quotas for highly skilled workers are determined

    Register FREE to become a member today!

    Excellent job Varsha. I would like to modify one line.

    Children not being able to get scholarships, cannot work or get state tuition benefits instead of 'Children not being able to get state benefits.'


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  • BharatPremi
    07-10 12:22 AM
    very well pointed out! maybe there is more to this than meets the eye, because the lawsuit doesn't seem to mention this violation. Or is there a remote possiblity that the lawyers havent done their math?:confused:

    Ofcourse, this can become the main bullet of the law suite gun.. but hold on before firing it... It can backfire to us... End result can be unwanted... Worst Scenario could be revoking all GCs granted in June and few days of July... multiple lawsuites !!! --- AND increment in the BACKLOG where you and I and everybody in this forum are still stuck.

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  • GoneSouth
    03-07 08:38 AM
    Get a new attorney. Seriously.


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  • gvenkat
    04-07 10:41 AM
    Rumor, rumor, and more rumors. We Indians get a kick out of this stuff, dont we? This actually happened with me couple of weeks ago.

    POE: San Francisco. I hold a completely different job compared to my Masters degree. I was asked what qualifications I have to hold a job in marketing when my background was technology. I gave an explanation and the VO looked up and smile. He said, you memorized your answers well. I said, I've been doing it for the last five years. He laughed and said, you guys are smart cookies. Have fun, summer is around. NEXT.

    Note to people who like to spread Bullshit: Please STOP spreading horsemanure. Unless your paperwork is completely out of whack, no VO at the POE has the RIGHT/AUTHORITY to send you back. I spoke to an immigration lawyer at a party couple of months ago. He said deportation procedures are not that simple. The VO has to call DHS and Immigration Services. Once they take over the case, it takes 12 to 24 hours to do a background check. Until that time, the person is held in custody at the Airport. A decent bed and food is provided. If the documents check out incorrect then authorities in the home country are informed and so is the Embassy in United States. DHS and USCIS allow folks from (Indian embassy) to interview the candidate (potential value target: crime recod back home, etc). If the embassy decides that the documents were forged then it will send a memo to the Indian Airport and ask the Indian police to book a case after the person arrives. The process is much detailed than making a call to somebody's father or father-in-law and asking, DO YOU NEED XYZ for this job.

    So all this is dino-dung. Stop wasting time at your desk and do something productive.

    Let the red-dots rain.

    Seriosly bro. U hit the nail on the head.. It's just rumor mongering at its best and we desis surely do get a kick out of it.. the guys who start these threads/rumors should be just , banned from the forums..

    Have u noticed? it's always a friend's friend or a colleagues friend or a friend's friend's wife. it's never a friend or themselves...

    The logic to send back does not hold good... If u have all ur papers there is NO WAY They can send u back.. if u had overstayed, be on bench and all other issues, yes u could have a possibility of being questioned.. if ur papers or on order.. it's just like a regular travel.

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  • snegrust
    09-19 11:39 AM
    Congratulations to all of us for having marched yesterday, I was extremely impressed with the level of organization. Salut to everyone who made it possible.
    However, I have a whole bunch of points, sorry if they come out strong....

    1) I absolutely agree with the 'Legal' Immigration issue, we did look as if we were immigrants and not defined as legal, I think high-skilled is secondary to the legality... This is one of the reasons I have not purchased merchandise, as it looks like it addresses immigration as such. I think banner by Chinese group exphasizing the legal aspect looked very impressive..

    2) It was obvious from speeches on Monday night and yesterday (friendship between US and India comments, etc) that this is seen as an Indian issue. Unless you are trying to show it as such, something has to be done about it. Non-indians were marching with you as well, and next time effort should be made to put together Indian, Chinese and whoever else when putting pictures, RollCall for example, or talking to the press, or talking to representatives. I have expressed my desire and submitted all information to the person in charge of organizing meetings on Capitol Hill, but was not provided with this oppportunity..
    Basically, it was clear that, as of now, even many representatives see the issue as Indians versus Mexicans... Not a good idea....

    3) I thought that some of the signs were extremely offensive to the Americans "We brought you yahoo/hotmail/google" and as such... if I were an American contemplating about my views on the immigration, and if I were as patriotic as many Americans are, I would be upset with the messages putting down local brains...

    4) It was a very impressive effort by Chinese group, thumbs up. Although very strange that so ew of them showed up. My CHinese colleague who alreday has GC and helped distribute info to his friends, told me that all 5 Chinese papers in the area had big announcements about the Rally

    5) I agree with disappointment about local people, it seemed like there were many more members from CA, NY and other places than VA/MD/DC, we should all be wokring on raising awareness.

    All for now
    Agains, congrats to all of us


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  • mlvats
    06-10 10:18 PM
    thanks very much

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  • chanduv23
    03-17 10:08 AM
    Substitute labors for EB2 should not IMPACT the delay more than 3 to 6 months. The reason is total EB2 labor india cases approved in 2004 itself is 3500(Straight out of DOL database, published on this forum last year). Some of these cases may have been substituted, worst case, lets say 100% of them applied to I-485. Now the number is 3 times that of 3500. that is 10500(including spouse and 1 child on average).

    Another thing you need to consider is If anycase had a PD before sept 2004 and was filed for I-485 before July 2007. That must have got the approval unless there was a namecheck delay.

    That should reduce the number to half., 5500(including dependent cases). This is my educated guess, Please dont pick on me. It wont help anybody.

    Below are 3 categories left as per my analysis....

    1) the applications filed in or after july 2007 OR
    2) applications had a PD after sept 2004
    3) Namecheck delayed cases.

    Chances are that the volume of Subsitutions and porting PD is massive in July , 2007. Almost every Tom, Dick and Harry filed for 485 at that time. News spread like wild fire about the availability of visas and lawyers and consulting companies wanted to do maximum utilization and maximum business. People applied substituted labors for their cousins, friends etc.... and got EAD and AP, May not be working for the sponsering employer.


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  • chanduv23
    09-26 12:13 PM
    Excellent team work IV - now lets all thank her for changing making the correction.

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  • sweet_jungle
    10-26 10:11 PM
    bump, action item, please notarize and mail. Please keep this thread active!

    please send the link and doc.


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  • alex99
    10-27 03:10 PM
    Please participate in this poll.

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  • dkjariwala
    04-08 11:32 PM
    Pappu, I also thought that these are rumors as there hasn't been a single instance where the person who was refused visa put up a post on IV [or other immigration message boards.]

    But today morning, my colleague said that his friend was harassed by IO. My colleague's friend came to JFK last week and IO called the professor he was working with. [My colleague said he is a doctor, doing medical research here]. IO gave him I-94 expiring in 5 days and asked him to go back. I have asked contact details for his friend and I will make sure that he gets in touch with IV so that IV can do something about it.


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  • kavita
    12-10 07:47 PM
    don't you think that working towards removing unfair country quota in skilled category would be faster & easier than population control?

    Now that you are enlighted about being one among too many, are you planning to go back, and reduce backlog for others?

    Also, when talking about reducing indian population, I hope that you do not agree with what 10 pakistanis tried to do in mumbai few days back!!! That is one very bad way of reducing population! I would prefer load balancing i.e. moving some ppl to part of world where population is not so much.

    Jokes apart, we need to seriously highlight the fact that as there is no country quota in H1B, since it is a skilled category visa, similarly there should be no country quota in skill based immigration too. It is nothing but simply 'DESCRIMINATION" based on country of birth. Do we have guts to fight that??? we can only talk about some stupid solutions but have no unity, no guts and no willingness to stand up for our community.

    I absolutely agree with you. I can't imagine how a person of Indian or Chinese origin can blame themselves of this retrogression. To me, it is a reflection of poor self esteem.
    The bottomline is that we are here because we are needed here. We have the privilege to apply for green card in return for the work we do. Country quota does not make sense in employment based immigration. It is an unfair practice which has to stop someday.

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  • sammyb
    07-11 01:39 PM
    USCIS will make more money by issuing 1 yr EAD to more EB2s & EB3s and come Sep/Oct, VB dates will go back to 04 again ...

    First thing came to mind, almost everyone gets 1 year EAD. Perhaps it is not easy to decide who gets 2 years EAD. This movement of dates solves the problem.
    .. Most of EB2 gets 1 yr. EAD
    .. Most of EB3 gets 2 yr. EAD

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  • suriajay12
    05-11 09:42 AM
    Keep writing letter, regular mail etc to president, Ms. Joe etc...

    I can imagine whats in our EB2 (Feb 04-05) minds. "Lets wait and see what happens next month, or lets see Oct bulletin". I cant change your minds.

    But EB2 guys from much later date:
    If you looked at the pace it was moving in the last 6 months, you MAY get your GCs after 3-4 years.. which is unacceptable waiting too. So join hands with EB3 and lets move together. No point in waiting. DOnt you think all EB3s will convert into EB2 if there is no light at the end .. . So it will not serve anything if you keep quite...

    07-16 06:07 PM
    This is utter nonsense!!!

    Core team - > Please work on getting some sort of easy webfax put up so that we may effectively address such utter nonsense!! The link to the fax should be prominently displayed on the main page of IV!!!

    Lets come up with some suggestions to counter-attack these false propoganda. Few thoughts??
    1. Will gandhigiri work with them? Not just sending flowers but using other Gandhi ways as well.
    2. Should core post some article on the home page.."Top 10 Myths About Employment Based Immigration" and include tax as one of the myths.
    Reason, i'm saying this is that in my company there are several americans who think that way even though they are ok with immigration. They think that we do not pay any tax here.
    3. Educate numberusa and other anti-immigration people about. I know we might not be able to educate the core people over their but we might be able to educate other member joining there.

    Any other thoughts?..

    03-17 03:00 PM
    PD Nov 2005 filed in Aug 2007