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  • 2ndJuly
    09-17 02:09 PM
    here how it will be considered:
    first human--> followed by illegal immigrants-->next horses-->last and least aliens

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  • santb1975
    01-30 08:48 PM
    We will get a lot of coverage if this actually gets asked

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  • pappu
    02-06 01:18 PM

    I didnt know you have such doubts about the efforts of IV and its goals.

    Anyways, have you every picked up the phone and called us to ask us what we are doing at that moment? What we did last week, what's our plan next week? You know, there is a phone number listed at several places on the website. That phone never rings. Oh yes, never. So who come you never seek answers where you can get them?

    We have told several times, that we dont have time to keep everyone in loop about everything we do in DC, including every time we meet some staffer or someone. Sorry, that's just how it is.

    Last week, Aman was in DC on Thursday and Friday (Jan 25 and 26) and had meetings with 3 senate staffers who work on Immigration. Then he went to India, then he came back straight to DC monday morning and since yesterday, he has met with 2 more staffers, our lobbyists.
    We are also trying to find out about the schedule A rumor and if its true, to have the recaptured visas go to all categories not just schedule A.

    So there, you have your update? If you want to know more, then call us on the phone.

    And this update is the kind of update we dont usually post on forums. This is mundane advocacy stuff. Find me one organization that gives hour by hour update of what they are doing.

    If you dont trust us, what are you doing here. Why dont you join the "bash IV" party at immigration portal and enjoy criticizing the arrogant IV core and its stupid blind followers. I am sure you will find many enlightened fellows like over at portal who are smart enough not to follow or believe in IV.
    Well said Logiclife.
    Calling us in not the solution. After you call us and get an update, tell us how you can help us and then actually help us.
    Purplehazea, lets see if you now step up and come forward to help us in our efforts instead of ranting about us.
    If you are one of those members that were once part of IV and either got banned or left because you felt we are working against your interests, then you were never part of this community and effort. This is a genuine effort and a lot of people's careers and personal lives are affected due to the greencard problem and we are genuinely trying to fix it. If you are trying to spread a negative message urging people not to contribute and posting negative remarks, then you either are not affected by retrogression (and so you dont belong here) or you are so naive that you are hurting your own interests by posting negative remarks on other forums.
    Lets also see how many members are willing to come forward to actively work for IV and also contrbute for the cause.
    lets also see how many H4s come forward to volunteer their time for this effort. We are on H1s and find it hard to manage our jobs and IV work. H4s can be a great asset in our volunteer efforts on various fronts.
    lets see if there are any H4s who can commit to meeting each and every lawmaker in their state. Lets also see if there is any H4 in DC area who can commit to spend some hours daily meeting staffers in various DC offices and doing the running around work that some core members do by travelling to DC on their own money and use up their entire vacation time.

    If you do any of the above, then come back and tell us what to do and what not to do. Give us all your ideas and suggestions and ask us to execute them for you. Then tell us that we are arrogant etc etc. Then tell us that you can do better than us and lead all of us. We are very open to this.

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  • SGP
    04-09 06:39 PM
    Pappu : Does this thread yet needs to be bumped up?

    $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$GOOD EVENING GC$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    Deadline = April 30th, 2011
    Goal = 5000 votes on survey (see I-485 filing w/o current PD thread) and momentum to continue with this campaign.The survey is a platform to gather and push for launching action items. Based on response by 04/30/2011 - IV will decide whether to even proceed with initiative or not.
    Actions - 1) Vote on survey.
    2)Email ivcoordinator@gmail.com with PD, ph#,email & subject "I485 filing impacted�,
    3)Print/Circulate Fliers and spread FB, wiki link (see "support thread")

    Dear IV Members,

    If you believe that your success depends on your immigration process - whether it's the ability to file I-485 earlier or to get green-card and citizenship sooner or whether it's the ability of your spouse to work - then you have to believe that your success somehow depends on the success of Immigration voice and these 170 volunteers in DC next week.
    As you may know, we are just one more week away from hosting Advocacy day in Washington DC where about 170 members of Immigration Voice will conduct nearly 250 meetings with offices of Senators and Congressmen. Such events cost money. If we have enough contributions, we can spend as per our budget of nearly $ 50,000. If not, we will have to cut back on the event spending and reduce the magnitude and size of the event.
    If you are not coming to DC next week, please do your part and contribute funds to Immigration Voice. It not only finances the event properly, it instills pride and confidence in the members who will be there in DC that there are thousands of willing supporters behind them who could not be there physically but are 100% with them in their determination and resolve.

    For background click here -> Announcement about April 2011 Advocacy Days (http://immigrationvoice.org/forum/forum85-action-items-for-everyone/1901186-action-item-advocacy-days-in-washington-dc-in-april-2011-a.html#post2301599)
    Contribute to Advocacy Event on the Capitol Hill (http://immigrationvoice.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=26&Itemid=44#onetimepaypal) (All one-time contributions will go towards organizing the Advocacy Days event)


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  • xyzgc
    04-19 12:05 AM
    Nothing ever is super-fast. Certainly not the green card. You had your share of waiting. Its just that you suddenly see light at the end of tunnel and before you realize you are out of it. So it feels like a dream.

    There have been folks who have got their greens in two years flat. Not because they were the smartest workers around. That is lightening fast.

    Congratulations to you.

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    10-19 07:30 AM
    The link from PDF file doesn't work. Could you please send the right document?


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  • jsb
    03-11 02:36 PM
    jsb - I received an email today from CRIS that they have issued an RFE on my I-485. I am EB-3 India September 7, 2007 I-485 filer with a PD of June-2005. Like you said, they do not consider country of chargeability until the case is all set to approve.
    Otherwise, why would they touch a EB3-I case with PD of 2005.

    I am not sure what are they looking for in FRE. I want to get out of this game now....one way or the other!

    Your situation confirms what I believe. They touched your file, because in the sequence of paper file receiving, your file is next. While issuing RFE, adjudicator did not even look at your PD or chargeability. When it is all clear, then perhaps they will open the page where PD and birth country are written. If at that moment in time your PD is current you will be cleared, else back to same (or some other) pending stack of files.

    RFE could be for so many things, birth/medical certificates not acceptable, something is not properly signed, photos missing, passport photos not clear, etc.

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  • Canadian_Dream
    11-12 10:16 PM
    There MIGHT be H1B related activities during Lame Duck Session.

    Tom Abate

    Sunday, November 12, 2006

    What's at stake: Reauthorization of the expired research and development tax credit; restoration of "network neutrality" on the Internet; and proposals to boost what Republicans call "competitiveness" and Democrats have styled "innovation," including changes to the controversial H-1B visa program.



    Difficult path predicted for CIR even with Democrats as majority.



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  • dixie
    02-07 03:08 PM
    If it has been more than 6 months since you last entered the US on your current visa, then you need a transit visa to go via London. Go to www.britainusa.com and search for the exact regulation.

    I have valid H1B visa in my passport. Can I travel via london to india.
    Can you please tell me what restrictions we have when we travel thru london.
    Do we need to take Transit visa inorder to travel via london?

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  • payal_nag
    04-25 01:18 PM
    just contributed $100 to this cause!


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  • sundewei
    12-03 04:54 PM
    :( The wait for Name Check is killing me

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  • marlon2006
    08-02 10:43 AM
    No. "Canadian experience" is just a lame excuse, partially because Canada has a very subtle racism feeling, but mainly because the economy there is sluggish and weak. I have Canadian PR and lived there for a year seeking jobs. I have dozens of friends, some born in Canada and holding PhD in IT.
    I recall very well when I landed there in 1998, I talked to a gentleman who was white, blue eyes. He was the counselor for a government placement program, an educated man. He grew up in Toronto; he reported to me that he felt that many employers in Vancouver, BC many times discriminated him based on his accent from the East. Another gentleman, at the same freaking day I arrived at the airport, was from England and worked in the financing sector. Again, I will never forget he told me "if you ever get a chance to go to the US, go immediately. Canada has no future". Then I met a girl the same day who told me she immigrated to Canada from the Middle East, but kept working illegally in the US. She said that living illegally in the US, with some restrictions applied, is way better than living as a legal resident in Canada. As my friend told me many times, Canada sucks. If you have a warm and sweet family back home and can get an OK job back home, think about it before going to Canada. You may end up there frustrated cursing your idea of coming here to North America. Of course if you come from a hostile place, extremely poor, etc, Canada or many other places should be a good option for you. That's different.

    I would think IT experience is the same anywhere so taking it to canada should be ok? If not there are plenty of other management jobs there. It might be a new start but in a one year timespan you will be well established.
    Is it just my wishful thinking?

    As for masters, are you persuing MBA? How about PMP?


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  • logiclife
    12-29 11:52 AM
    Those who want to practice freedom of speech are free to leave this website and organization and join someone else or start their own website or forum.

    If you dont like the moderation or banning or censorship policy, please leave and dont even bother threatening us that you are leaving.

    What's the worst that could happen?

    Everyone will leave? This organization will be shut down?

    Well if that's the case, then so be it.

    But we are not going to be spending 5 hours a day reasoning with hecklers and keep deleting and moderating posts that are racist, insulting to certain groups or damaging this organization. I would rather save my time by banning such people completely instead of reasoning with them for the sake of "Freedom of Speech".

    As an admin and moderator, if its in the interest of this organization to moderate posts, then it will be a priority over the practice of "Freedom of Speech" or "First amendment rights".

    And one more thing: The first amendment protects freedom of speech and expression for the individual AGAINST the GOVERNMENT. Not non-government entities. It says that the Government cannot take away that right from you and congress cannot pass such laws to ban freedom of speech. It applies to public and government domain. Not anywhere else. Immigration Voice is not a Government body. Before preaching constitutional law to everyone and engaging in "Freedom of Speech" grandstanding, please do a little research of how the first amendment works and where it applies.

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  • alterego
    10-27 11:22 AM
    I just received notification that my approved 140 (which got approved way back in 2007) is now moved to USCIS. Has anyone seen this before?

    Exact status is as follows

    Post-Decision Activity

    On October 27, 2009, a USCIS office received this case from the State Department with a request that we review it. We will notify you when we complete our review, or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, please use our Change of Address online tool to update your case with your new address or call our customer service center at 1-800-375-5283.

    Did you initially opt for consular processing and then perhaps change to AOS? Or do you have multiple 140s with the earlier PD opted for CP? Just trying to figure out the rationale for that.


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  • GC_1000Watt
    01-08 06:07 PM
    I believe it will be the same old story. They will wait till last quarter and then will waste thousands of visa numbers because of their darn slow processing hands and we people will again start talking optimism from Oct 2010.
    What happened to the IV's talk with USCICS on spillover policies? Does anybody know?

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  • vagopinaath
    01-31 04:52 PM
    Voted now.


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  • nviren
    04-12 01:44 PM
    My second contribution of $100 is in the mail and on the way.


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  • english_august
    07-11 10:03 PM
    Will the Nor Cal P.R. person please stand-up!

    We are coordinating the media effort with the core team and focussing on the tactical stuff right now.

    Does that mean that you are preparing the press release as well? Please send some information our way so that we can start blogging.

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  • natrajs
    09-17 07:22 PM
    natrajs - Is your case at TSC or NSC?

    My case is submitted to TSC and it was never transferred to any other SC

    Rec Notice # SRC07XXXX
    EB2-I - June 04 ( Same Employer , Though I got the EAD, never switched to EAD, still have H1B Valid unitl Feb 2011 (9 to 12 YrH1B))
    RD - 8/8/07
    ND - 9/28/07
    FP - 11/1/07
    SLUD - 8/28/08
    HLUD - 9/15/09 - CPO E mail ( Self & Spouse)

    No RFE, SR on 8/27/09 - Recd reply on 9/4/09 stating that your case is pending and processing is delayed. Called two senators offices and sent them faxes, Lawyer sent a letter to AILA liason on 8/20/09 - So far no replies

    Called TSC on 9/15/09 eve 5 PM and talked to CSR and she convinced and transferred to officer, he told me that the case is under review since 8/28/08 and asked me to keep faith in the system

    And by 7 PM EDT - 9/15/09 recd the CPO - email for both of us

    If you need any other info , please PM me

    01-31 09:00 PM

    this particular question has not been selected. If you go to politico.com and select the live, it bring up a pop-up which has questions to choose from, this question has not shown up there.
    BTW i voted five times (different machines)

    04-23 02:20 PM
    On March 30, my wife was issued a RFE for her incomplete medicals (TB test & Vaccination). Yesterday our attorney submitted the completed medical reports and today I received an email from 'CRIS' acknowleding the receipt of our response and resumption of the case. Checked the Online status and it also showed the today's LUD. Will keep the IV posted with any further development on our cases.

    Here is the text of that email (seems very generic):


    Current Status: Response to request for evidence received, and case processing has resumed.

    On April 23, 2009, we received your response to our request for evidence. We will notify you by mail when we make a decision or if we need something from you. If you move while this case is pending, call customer service. You should expect to receive a written decision or written update within 60 days of the date we received your response unless fingerprint processing or an interview are standard parts of case processing and have not yet been completed, in which case you can use our processing dates to estimate when this case will be done. This case is at our NEBRASKA SERVICE CENTER location...... "