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  • easy4lif
    Nov 29, 12:57 PM
    hey movie studios, if you made more great movies on the Calibre of spiderman, Cars, or Pirates of the carribean people would be willing not to steal in the first place. case in point, Cars DVD sold 6 million in one week. Crap like Battlefield Earth witch cost 100 million to make but only made 20 million in box office sales sucked on several levels

    you want to make money off your movies


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  • Daremo
    Feb 28, 06:11 PM
    Does anyone know if there is a way to remove the 4GB / 50 minute video recording cap? I used Greenpois0n to jailbreak, even though that likely makes no difference. I thought maybe there was something I could install to remove the cap.

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  • mrpaperknife
    Nov 14, 09:11 PM
    I really liked this one. I've tried many other apps that gather the Album Cover art for iTunes songs/albums but this is the best by far.

    It's called Clutter (

    Launch Clutter when you have iTunes open. As a song is playing, Clutter automatically looks up the album art. Once found, under the File menu select copy to iTunes and BAM, it's there for the WhOLE album. Sweet.

    One note. If it doesn't find the art, just go under the File menu and choose "Find cover in Amazon". Just type in different variations of the artist or song and i'm sure it'll pop up.


    And to think that I spent all that time to manually gather album art! If I had only known! Ugh! :o

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  • bousozoku
    Dec 15, 07:19 PM
    M-Audio sonica when I'm using speakers and whatever is built into my Logitech USB headset.

    As a premium choice, I would be using an M-Audio Audiophile card, internal or external, as it seems to be the best of the bunch available for Macs.


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  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 15, 07:23 PM
    Well I for one can't wait to play Pet Vet 3-D: Animal Hospital. I've been waiting for years and its finally here! ;)

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  • skellener
    Apr 6, 01:36 PM
    So you can get a 1TB hard drive for $80.... 12,000 of those.... not that big of an expenditure tbf.Go price out 12PB from Isilon and see how much it costs. It ain't $80 a TB.


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  • yagran
    Jan 9, 01:56 PM
    So whats your opinion, personally i think it was to focused on the iphone...
    im in the uk so it doesnt come out here for ages...GREAT. and no new software, not even an update, that blows. Iphone looks great tho. Also the Apple TV seems altoghether useless to me? why does it need a 40gb hard drive and processor if it connects wirelessly to computers? surely streaming would have been more clever? and tey didnt even updated the screens to work properly with it! And itunes store UK still has no movies!!! GRRR. Pointless fo anyone in the uk in my opinion, whats the point of it? big whoop i can watch my music thru my crappy tv speakers ?? :confused: :mad:

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  • Brasilian
    Apr 26, 11:09 AM
    I just tried Jailbreaking my Ipod 4th Gen, 4.1.2 with PwnageTool. Everything is fine until I have to restore it, I have gotten three different errors so far, one was 8, the other was 1604 and I forget the third.
    I can successfully enter DFU mode and choose which firmware I need to restore with, it's just unsuccessful when I try restoring it, theres either an error, or Cydia doesn't appear and it says "Restore Complete"


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  • route42nj
    Apr 2, 01:02 PM
    I'm new to the Apple/iPad world and am trying to figure out what the best way to organize my icons are. I figured many of you have more experience in this than I do so what better place to look for a tip :)

    What do you name your folders and how do you go about sorting your icons to best organize them?

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  • cloroxbleach4
    Feb 7, 09:27 PM
    Originally Posted by Matthew M. View Post

    Thumb resize.
    nice! Can you please post the original wallpaper?



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  • manu chao
    Apr 4, 01:36 PM
    The less a corporation knows about me the better.
    And Apple having your address, phone number, e-mail address, creditcard is fine with you? And if yes, why is ok for Apple to have this information but not for the FT?

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  • Ratatapa
    Apr 10, 06:10 AM
    Wrong section my bad

    Sent from my iPad2 using Tapatalk


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  • iThinkergoiMac
    Apr 21, 10:11 PM
    What kind of connection is it? Does it show up on other computers?

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  • rwh202
    Mar 4, 09:13 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; Droid Build/FRG83D) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    We had a huge day yesterday! 879,000 points in a single day!
    Can we hit a million points in a day?
    Some more good news: at this rate, we are a week away from overtaking a team ahead of us, and less than a month from passing two more! Our biggest threat behind us is 8 months away, but by that time we will have passed at least 5 teams ahead of us. Great job guys! Keep it up!

    Yeah, we seem to have reversed the drop. The trend is really obvious if you look at our weekly and monthly charts on extremeoverclocking:

    I've added a second i7 2600k for another 50k PPD and a new quad core MBP is coming tomorrow, but I don't intend to use that for folding long term.
    Also, we've just entered another cold snap here, so the GPUs can run for another week or so!

    Keep it up!


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  • munkle
    Feb 20, 10:37 AM
    Screensaver on my desktop?? I just installed it and it is awsome!! Thx

    Have you tried it with Marine Aquarium ( Bit of a resource hog but great for showing off!

    And if you're a fan of the Matrix, this ( looks pretty swanky as well :)

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  • lewis82
    Feb 7, 02:48 PM

    This pic and many more taken from ;)


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  • Liquorpuki
    Apr 12, 11:52 AM

    Mods, please delete

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  • bchreng
    Apr 7, 11:17 AM
    I haven't really noticed any major issues running 4.3.1 on my iPad but new updates are always welcome. Can't wait to check it out!

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  • haruhiko
    Apr 13, 09:37 AM
    I know rumors aren't good to use, but I'm sure there were pre-production parts for the iPhone4 showing up by this time last year, maybe the fact that there isn't gives more credibility to the next version coming later.

    This time last year Mr. Powell left his iPhone 4 in a bar.

    Nov 20, 03:17 PM
    iChat phone? Who is using iChat?

    Belkin has a already a nice looking Skype phone on the market and I'm tempted to buy it.

    If Apple really wants to release an "instant-messaging-phone" they should keep the options for other messengers open. I believe.

    Angel baby
    Nov 1, 10:45 PM
    :confused: In my country, we have to pay about $1000 US dollars to buy one.

    Small White Car
    Apr 27, 12:23 PM
    Apple's attitude about this stuf has always been very positive. I'm totally willing to believe that all this stuff was an oversight since believing that matches what they've said in the past.

    Apr 4, 12:02 PM
    should mention that after I put the new cpu compound in it took a few goes to restart properly, locking up and one 'you must restart your computer'. Then all was well.

    Jun 22, 09:36 PM
    I had some extra Nike+ / Apple T-shirts laying around that I should get rid of. It is pretty simple, just a black T, with the words 'tune your run' on the front and the Nike+ logo on the back. All are brand new, never been worn, from a smoke free environment. I am asking $6 plus actual shipping. I have 1 XXLARGE and 1 Women's Small. Please PM if you are interested. Thanks!