Want a 9 - 5 Full Time Job - PARTYING..Tonight at JET

9 to 5 Partying is a Full-Time Job
  • Monday, August 24, 2009
  • Get ready for an outrageous industry contest this week at JET’s legendary Monday night party, as the crème de la crème of Vegas nightlife gather to vote for each other! $5000 in awards to be given away include: Most Likely to Write a Book of Excuses, Most Likely to Call in Sick so They Can Hang Out with a Wealthy tourist, Most likely to be hung over while working, Most likely to sleep with a tourist, and Most likely to forget your name. Voting will be held on Jackcolton.com, so get out the vote and then get to JET Monday night to see who wins!

  • Where: Jet Nightclub at Mirage
  • When: Monday, August 24, 2009
  • What time: 10:30 PM
  • Dress code: Proper Attire Required