Pete's customer appreciation party.
Happy Hour from 5 - 7 p.m. on Friday, May 14 (Pete's 6th month anniversary) for up to 100 people!! Happy Hour includes 1st drink free, half-off drinks for the rest of the Happy Hour and complimentary food!! Also, don't forget to make reservations and stick around for the show at 8 p.m.!!
Twtvite RSVP
If you have friends who are solely on Twitter please direct them to Twtvite to RSVP http://twtvite.com/culinaryk9charitytweetup
Vegas Rock Dog Blog
Here's a post about the event please send the link to ask many friends as possible. http://miniurl.com/vegasrockdogblogk9/
There will be a raffle to Benefit Las Vegas Hot Diggity Dachshund Club & Rescue! So bring your cash tickets are $1 per raffle ticket. We have some amazing prizes from our sponsors listed below and your chances of walking away with a prize are great!
Vegas Rock Dog http://www.vegasrockdog.com
Inspired by Claire Jane http://www.inspiredbyclairejane.com
Las Vegas MINX http://www.lasvegasminx.com
Carls Jr of Las Vegas http://www.carlsjroflasvegas.com
Green Doggie Bags http://www.greendoggiesbags.com
Dawn Tuer of Cielo Salon http://www.cielosalonandspa.com
Diane's Dog Resort & Day Care http://enlightable.com/DianesDogResort
The Culinary K9 http://www.theculinaryk9.com
American Pet Products http://www.ampetproducts.com
Town Center Animal Hosp. http://www.towncentervet.com
Slidin' Thru Gourmet Slider Truck http://slidinthru.com
Unleashed Pet Photography http://www.unleashedpetphotography.com
Pet'ographique http://petographique.com
Blue Man Group http://www.blueman.com
Lollie Shopping http://www.lollieshopping.com
George Wallace http://www.georgewallace.net
Nannies & Housekeepers-http://www.nahusa.com
Cindy Morabito of Cielo Salon & Spa http://www.cielosalonandspa.com
Sponsored Tweets http://www.sponsoredtweets.com
The Dog Wash http://www.thedogwashvegas.com
The Doggie District http://doggiedistrict.net
Nutro http://www.nutroproducts.com
If you cannot attend and want to donate to the rescue click this link and scroll down to the donate section.