Not in Kansas Anymore! Puddle of Mud Las Vegas!

The Pussycat Dolls Lounge inside PURE Nightclub was the place to see and be seen last night as rock band Puddle of Mudd delivered a chart topping live performance. The group had the packed house in a frenzy as they performed some of their hit songs, “Psycho,” “She Hates Me,” “Control” and ending with Steve Miller Band’s, “The Joker.” After their electrifying performance, Puddle of Mudd headed over to LAX Nightclub and Noir Bar to check out the sizzling scene and grab a night cap.

Also spotted soaking up some limelight at LAX last night was Mindfreak Criss Angel after a night of performing in his Luxor show, Criss Angel Believe.

Photo courtesy of Pure Nightclub