New Beginnings Ranch..A Day (okay) Hours in the Saddle!

Janet Faye

Missy & Nancie


Yes we do live in the land of Las Vegas which is synonymous with the strip and gambling! Sometimes though it is good to get away from all of this; if only for a few hours and realize how some people give their "all" to make a difference. Nancy invited me to go riding with her and the Burtons. Yippee riding! Had not been on the back of a horse for let's see..TEN YEARS! But you know it is like a bike, once you get on it all comes back.

I rode Skittles and what a sweet tempered even paced horse to "relearn" on! Of course getting on Skittles well I will spare you those images!! Not to graceful..(putting in mildly) Well once back in the saddle so to speak...LOVED it!

But enough about me..let me tell you about New Beginnings Ranch which is owned and operated by Janet Faye and she is simply amazing. Check out the website for background!!
What impressed and moved me is her work with ADD children and the blind pony Missy who is a white ball of fur with four legs and 22 (hardly young for a pony, 66 in human years!) It was an emotional experience hearing her talk about the children and how once in the saddle, they become transformed by the bond between horse and rider. The children care about guiding Missy so she does not "bump" into the walls and they become more confident and focused. They learn to communicate better and some have even won ribbons in competition riding Missy. I cannot even begin to imagine how proud the parents must feel and how the children are filled with joy and a sense of belonging! Janet has also rescued horses and rehabilitated them when everyone else had given up on them.

Such a worthy cause! We need as a community to support these types of programs rather than spend oh say a million or two on a "Mob Museum, sorry Mayor Goodman!" Janet also works with training horses, trail rides, riding lessons. This was an experience that will last much more than a few hours in my mind.
