American Idol - Katrina "Bikini Girl" Darrell - Vegas Here I Come!

Even if you are not an avid American Idol watcher there is no way that you could of missed the controversy over whether Katrina was chosen to go onto the next round because of her ummmm vocal ability.

I just talked with her and Vegas here she comes! Katrina will be hosting tomorrow night at The Hawaiian Tropic Zone at Planet Hollywood at around 11:30 pm. "Hint she will also be singing tonight at Hawaiian Tropic Zone tonight for a little while."

Breaking news...she is really nice and we chatted about American Idol...yes the girls were catty and rude. "They didn't want to get to know me, totally prejudged me because I audtitioned in a bikini." And guess what, she is breaking up with Ryan Seacrest, "He was really nice, but he works way to much." And Simon Cowell? "Simon was really nice. He was really cool!"

Now for the real deal, Kara is well how shall we say not NICE at all. "She cussed at me and maybe she was a little jealous." On the record I also thought that Kara was rude also and she does not add anything to this season!

Paula, Paula, Paula! I asked Katrina if she thought that Paula's spaciness was an act, and Katrina girl you are learning PR, "I have no idea, she did seem kinda on cloud 9 but she was really sweet and said that she really liked me! Her advice was to take advantage of the opportunity and just keep doing what I am doing."

Katrina you go and pursue your dreams! Hope that all works out for you and you do get to do your show that would have singing, dancing and a little bit of fashion...but do it in a bikini!