Naked Oscars --- Hugh Jackman --- YIKES!

NAKED OSCARS: Oscar host Hugh Jackman plans to reveal more than most at Sunday's awards ceremony.
"I haven't told anyone this, but we are going to do most of it naked and we're going to sing through the whole show," the affable actor joked during an interview backstage at the Kodak Theatre. "In fact, all the acceptance speeches are going to be sung. There will be some interpretive dance behind them, and I really think it will be beautiful and touching."
But don't expect People magazine's "sexiest man alive" to show everything.
"There will be a strategic leaf placed here or there," he said. "We don't want to be distasteful or anything. This is a raw night. This is the Oscars. Raw emotion, that's the quality we're going for."

By Associated PressFebruary 20, 2009 5:43 AM PST