Flat as a pancake...as in a real pancake! National Pancake week is from Feb. 21 - Feb. 27th and the benefits all go to charity. National Pancake Week was first established in 1985 by General Mills and Bisquick. Local restaurant Hash House A Go Go has put their own twist, they are celebrating for two week starting on Feb. 23rd thru March 8th and all the benefits go to Best Buddies, which is an organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by providing opportunities for one-on-one friendships and integrated employment.
Fox 5’s Jason Feinberg, Monica Jackson and Rachel Smith recently joined up with Chef Anthony Vidal of Hash House A Go Go to put their culinary skills to the test. Each anchor created their own special flapjack that will be offered.
Feel free to email your favorite flapjack to us to post!!
Here is a picture of the pancake Monica Jackson created called the “Cherry Chocolate Delight.”
YUMMM! For information on Hash House visit http://www.hashhouseagogo.com/