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  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 12:33 PM
    Yi don't even know why people bring up the apple ecosystem.

    Its simple really.

    The Apple ecosystem is very good and quite convenient. Yet it's dictatorial, heavily censored, and some truly great apps are rejected because Apple is afraid that customers will embrace these apps and wonder why Apple failed to incorporate the functionality into the native iOS.

    Quite to the contrary of the view Apple Evangelists hold, Apple's iPhone is not the best smartphone on the planet. Excellent? Yes, The best? Not so much.

    Oh sure they currently have massive sales volume, but so does, toxic highly fatty fast food.

    The realty is the general public wants what most others have, an iPhone - they're a dime a dozen and everywhere, a fad that will eventually fade.

    Stay tuned, this movies not over. :)

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  • hugodrax
    Sep 28, 06:18 PM
    Too many folks think just because you have wealth that you have to build a oversized Gaudy McMansion as some kind of totem to prove your wealth to the unwashed masses.

    I myself like smaller well built with high quality material and nice architecture with a large lot/waterfront.

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  • wrathofgod
    Apr 29, 03:53 PM
    Preferred the iOS style scroll bars. Having the thin bar inside the right side gutter looks very odd.

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  • crobbins
    Mar 24, 10:26 PM
    I remember getting my first OS X machine in early 2005. Tiger was so different from the world of windows I'd been used to it. I've been a crazy apple fan ever since!

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  • smithrh
    Dec 13, 09:49 AM
    Appropriate Page 2 post, I think.

    There are some parts to this rumor that just don't add up. If/when I have time later I'll post more...

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 12, 09:09 AM
    Agreed. I feel like Wordpad, with the ability to open .doc and .docx files, would suffice.

    And have Graphpad, a basic spreadsheet app, with the ability to open .xls and .xlsx for excel. :)

    And Slideshow, a basic presentation app, with the ability to open .ppt and .pptx for PowerPoint. :)

    Oh... hang on. That sounds awfully familiar. (

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  • ArizonaKid
    Sep 9, 03:57 AM
    I watched that NBC benefit last week where Kanye made his bush comments. afterwards on the local news they had a reporter at a call center nearby that was one of several taking the calls from that. they talked briefly about Kanye's comments and said that people did actually call back after his comments saying they wanted to cancel their donation because of what he said.

    I thought his comments were inappropriate for the fund raising forum he was participating in, but I was much more surprised & saddened that people actually called back and said they didn't want to donate to those in need becasue of what some musician said about the president...

    So someone says something they really dislike, and they then decide to try and punish refugees from America? Stupid People. Who needs people like that, their check would probably bounce after they pay their trailer lot rent.

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  • MikhailT
    Apr 6, 11:47 PM
    @Evoken, we haven't seen the full features list yet for Lion. That's going to be announced at WWDC.

    The rest here isn't directed to you, just my opinion of what Lion is supposed to be.

    If we consider Lion to be an improvement/refinements to Snow Leopard, it's already an impressive update, just like Snow Leopard was to Leopard. The slight changes in the UI are noticeable over Snow Leopard. The animations, the buttons, scrollbars gives Lion a refresh of the current interface.

    The Mac App Store isn't a feature for Lion, it has nothing to do with Lion. It's just another Mac App that's bundled with Lion just like Mail/iChat.

    Full Screen Mode is just an interface API which are useful for some people on the Airs and laptops. Some people only use one app for a few hours, and the full screen mode can be useful for them.

    Auto-save is a big feature because it changes the way the applications save the files for you in the background. You no longer have to worry about saving in case of a crash and you can now just close/quit the app and return from the same state with auto-resume feature, basically the same way apps work in the background on the iOS platform. Imagine the ability to work on a big project in Numbers or Keynote and you just want to close it for now. Come back in an hour, open them again and you're back to where you started an hour ago. No open last file required. It's just a refinement of the "Close App, Open App, Open Last File Used" process.

    Combine Auto-save, auto-resume and Versions, you have a new way of handling files in applications.

    Everybody should set their expectations low for Lion, consider it a refinement of the front end for Leopard while Snow Leopard was a refinement of the backend.

    Apple isn't about new stuff, they're about refining the same stuff in a different way. That's what they have done with iPhone, iPad and soon, Lion. iPhone wasn't the first device with a touchscreen, it was just refined by integrating both software and hardware in a way that it provide a much better interface. Innovations does not mean that it's for brand new ideas/products only, it can also mean an idea/product that's used in a different way.

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  • mcmadhatter
    Oct 17, 08:53 AM
    As soon as someone creates a dual format drive all this fuss will die down. It was the same with DVD +/- . Give it a year and NEC will have a dual format drives for both computers and players and no-one will have to decide.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 21, 10:28 PM
    Better. Can we turn it off in User CP Options?

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  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 9, 03:23 PM
    yeah, i think tim mcgraw would've been a much better choice

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  • wlh99
    Apr 26, 07:41 PM

    wlh99, I'll step back when ever I want to, this is a public Forum and people are here to discuss and learn new stuff.

    Any way.. if you guys can't help me, just go to another thread.

    I'm more than happy to help, which is why I asked what you meant by "ON" and "OFF" and what exactly you want to do. Because I don't know. Timers are not "ON" or "OFF" so I need to know what you mean.

    I was referring to the "if" statement, not the comment. How and where do you declare myTimer and newTimer? Where are they assigned a value? Post that code. My assumption was (possibly incorrect) that they were assigned as the return value from when you created the timers.

    In which case, they are pointers. If you declared them as a primitive type and assigned them a value not related to the timer objects, then they are not pointers. If that is the case, I am even more confused as to what you want the program to do.

    Post your code, and let us know what you are trying to accomplish.

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  • themadchemist
    Jan 12, 02:12 PM
    OK, this is funny. Yes, mean, but funny.

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  • Chris204
    Jan 10, 03:38 PM
    I bet they won't be getting press passes again next year to CES.

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  • Hankster
    Apr 25, 12:18 PM
    To better clarify what the arrows indicate, it may be beneficial to change the image into a thumbs up and thumbs down.

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  • nim23
    Apr 16, 06:45 AM
    I believe these could be real...

    I made a comment the other day about a spotting and this was exactly the kind of this the person saw.

    And it makes perfect sense not having a 3G bar at the top, perhaps there will be a cheaper non-3G version out? Would that be a possibility?

    I'd also say that my only complaint with the 3G and 3GS was the plastic back... The metal back on the 1st gen was brilliant, and sturdy... I was surprised to see them defer from that with gen2 and 3...

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  • grmatt
    Sep 28, 12:52 PM
    It looks so long and narrow...


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  • RichardBeer
    Mar 24, 03:17 PM
    Awesome! Happy Birthday Apple Macintosh Operating System 10! <333

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  • ehoui
    Apr 18, 07:50 AM
    I am not too sure Tim Cook or anyone of his pay grade is as tough as Steve is when it comes to these label execs.

    That's why you hire someone who has those skills, has contacts in the industry, and get these deals done. You still have to find the "right person," but it doesn't seem impossible.

    The future is WIN7, iOS, and RIMM.

    Did Android steal your lunch money one day?

    But maybe I'm just bitter since I own a 40" google tv that is virtually incapable of doing anything worth doing on a tv.

    Yikes. I love Google (and MS and Apple for that matter), but they do have a dabbler quality about them which doesn't always work out. Now GMail is awesome, even if it will never be "finished" (which it shouldn't).

    The more competition there is the better products get for the end user! :mad:

    Everyone here got the memo. Thanks.

    Google (, Apple and Amazon could just freaking buy the music industry.

    Why, it's a messy business which people love to hate. It's better to be a smart channel in this case and let the music industry figure itself out.

    And by that what do you mean. iPhones had little impact on phones like the BB Curve

    It had a huge impact on the company who designs and sells the BB Curve. I think that counts.

    Don't confuse approval control with a guarantee of either security or quality.

    Who said anything about guarantee? I think this is about improving the overall quality of the apps. You may not agree with Apple's rules, but it seems to work for them. Fortunately, consumers have choice and can go with Android or other systems which allow them to install whatever they want without Apple having reviewed, tested and "approved" the App. Enjoy.

    I just want to sync my music. **** itunes **** what ever. I love bit torrent. I refuse to pay for music or movies.

    You are confusing open with thieving. I wouldn't be proud about being a thief... most people don't trust thieves and reject their opinions as a matter of course. Also, it is not considered smart for a thief to brag about being a thief especially in public.

    Your music? Ha!

    Apr 30, 03:48 AM
    I mean, sure. Cool that Apple listens, and nice to see they are looking into the look and feel. But hey, can't imagine a more minor change :D
    It's true, it is a minor change in programming but a major change in identifying itself with an interface. Besides, we hardly hear any news about Mac OS X and there is not much to find from the official side. Any news is welcome and for example this news made me more comfortable with Lion. I still have no idea what is going on behind the GUI, speaking: Things that make a huge difference to the existing system.

    Some more news like this would make me wondering if maybe I should take a look. Because right now, I really am not interested in Lion at all and I believe, I am not the only one. And I'm not speaking about my personal little Laptop at home, I'm speaking about the main operating system of dozends of office-computers which I decide what to put on. Snow Leopard gave much more useful information away in advance. Lion does not.

    Mar 17, 12:17 PM
    With my flame suit on, i say this...

    I might have done the same thing as the OP.

    Regarding the kid, well, its probably a part time job for him. Furthermore, how much can BestBuy possibly be paying him? He could probably earn more if he worked else where. :)

    May 5, 06:20 PM
    Guns are within my scope of practice (

    Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.

    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    Why? In the mind of the NRA:
    Step 1: Talk about guns.
    Step 10: Ban and confiscate guns.

    Therefore they resist even common sense initiatives supported by police such as gun fingerprinting.

    May 5, 12:25 PM
    "Well regulated" even. Sounds like "regulations" to me. ;)

    Scholars have said that that phrase is equivalent to "well trained" in the context. Which means the constitution mandates firearm safety training for gun owners.

    Apr 15, 12:26 PM
    Seeing as that it doesn't have any place for the antenna (like the black area towards the top of the 3G iPad), i'm very skeptical with this picture.