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  • iShater
    Jul 28, 01:44 PM
    The Audi A3 clean diesel TDI

    It is not a hybrid drive train that uses diesel with an electric, it is a pure diesel car.

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  • ozzyman500
    Mar 19, 07:29 AM
    How could you have it for ages? I think this guy is over exaggerating a little too much.

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  • teme
    Sep 12, 06:01 AM
    The smaller EU iTunes stores are not offering any videos, not even music videos or Pixar short movies. I think there is no hope that the new movie store would be available anytime soon for the smaller iTMS countries. Apple has been quite lazy in the smaller countries about the iTMS, not promotions or exclusives... in Finland it seems that the smaller online music stores get the local finnish music content months before iTMS gets them.

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  • dmr727
    Jul 27, 04:21 PM
    ^^^ that's what I was thinking too. This is a pretty full featured vehicle - once I start looking at all the goodies, a mid 30's price doesn't seem so out of the ballpark. I still have my prejudices against GM - but I'm really trying to give them the benefit of the doubt here.

    I'm on Honda's list for their Clarity, but I'm not holding my breath that my name will be drawn anytime soon - I meet all their 'ideal candidate' guidelines, but they seem more interested in giving the first models to celebrities. So it's nice to see some other options out there for me to mull over.

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  • virus1
    Sep 12, 08:33 AM
    s*** this is so exciting! im probably not the first one to notice that it says "the itunes store" not the itunes music store.... !!!

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  • DMann
    Jan 14, 01:45 AM
    ha, that was pretty good. and true really...

    they didn't release iwork and ilife probably b/c of Amazon putting it up on their website early

    and now poor ol' Amazon has egg on its face:o

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  • TeppefallGuy
    Aug 2, 11:22 AM
    I'm sorry but most people (I'd say 99.9%) can't hear the difference between a CD and a 128kbps AAC file.

    Heck, we got people still using 128kbps MP3 for crying out loud. If they heard any difference (or if it really sounded like crap) we'd see them using 256kbps MP3 instead. Granted, the encoder makes a huge difference, but most files you see on P2P networks are 128kbps.

    128 M4A (on my system) cuts the top and bottom out and leaves the middle range intact. Maybe it�s my Sennheiser setup or something but 128 actively alters electronic music, rap and nu metal/rapcore. If you only listen to iTunes you�re in for a shock if you go to a concert.

    I think M4A was designed for pop pop pop music :)

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  • Anthony T
    Apr 16, 09:49 AM

    Now that looks better. Where did you get these from? I'm assuming they are fake.

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  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 8, 01:14 PM
    Yeah, that makes a little more sense. But what....iPad2 accessories?

    I still have a hard time buying their reason.

    A lot of these companies also have Agreements with the Manufacturers on when, how, and what they can sell. Maybe Apple has told them to run this promotion to help draw not only sales but accessories sales or like I said above maybe its a promo like the Back to School promo.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 9, 01:22 PM
    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.
    HA, very true.

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  • Detlev
    Mar 28, 02:41 PM
    Next they'll want everyone to have an Apple ID to use their services.


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  • the Western zoo
    Sep 12, 07:37 AM
    The danish store gives me the black screen... though at first it said bad link as well... I can't really help to be negative and say that the movie thingie will be a us only at first... I'm all most sure of it!
    It took two years for iTunes Music Store to come to DK so why should the movie bussiness be any easier than the music buss...??

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  • ClimbingTheLog
    Oct 3, 07:43 AM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

    Right, there are only billions of people who can watch DVD's on computers of their choice now because of his efforts who couldn't before, spawning all kinds of video editing, DVR, and high-quality conversion systems that couldn't have existed without his work.

    He defeated a system designed to take away fair use rights from the citizenry and hasn't done anything productive? OK, if you don't care about your rights maybe you have a point.

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  • Jakerz
    Apr 6, 10:02 AM

    Bought it yesterday.

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  • RoboCop001
    Jan 10, 03:53 PM
    Worse than lame.

    Where does Gizmodo operate from? I'm going to pay them a visit and turn their monitors off. If you can't tell that's a metaphor for kicking them in the shins and then the face.

    And then maybe if there's enough time, I'll force them to watch Dark Planet or that episode of Battlestar Galactica 1980 where the kids go up in a tree and turn invisible and start throwing apples at the people down below and they have those ridiculous viper bikes.

    Anyone remember Tek Wars? What a show!

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  • CalBoy
    Apr 21, 10:09 PM
    So same system but without the down vote button at all?


    Yes, I think that would be better as well if we're going to have ratings.

    I think a purely numerical system will just encourage all of the negative aspects of the ratings system.

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  • elppa
    Jan 9, 08:41 AM
    I'll compile what I have put on other threds:

    From Here: (

    [1] Lot's of puff about how well Apple is doing. Good news gospel on the iPhone. Pie Charts and bar charts, some early mention of sales figures.

    [2] Leopard talk — Apple haven't had an expo since the Leopard launch. Expect some interesting apps (3rd parties, almost certainly some mention of Office '08, possibly Bento) and talk of the capabilities and technologies in the new OS. We may get an update (10.5.2) and in it some surprises (whether it be QT 8, Java 6) or some iPhone technologies (error correction when typing) intergrated). Also look out for news on a how users will be exposed to the resolution independent UI. This may be particually impotant if number 5 on the list is being launch. Apple also said they'd be ready by '08.

    [3] Beetles on iTunes (at last!). This will lead into the the Music section of the keynote.

    [3] iTunes Movie Rentals and iTunes 8 (UPDATE: Looks more likely ( to be a 7.6 release now.). Talk of the interplay between hardware-software, leading to the introduction of the:

    [2] new TV + Apple Remote (in metal and using a similar clickwheel to the nano (you heard it here first)). Not sure were TV is headed, so I will not make too many predictions on this.

    [5] MacBook Nano (possibly left to the end). It may have a pixel density considerably higher than current machines.

    A bit more on this from here (

    [1] The drive will be a bus powered FW800 Super Drive. And you will pay for it, it won't be included in the box because:
    [i] Some may have existing external burners they would rather use.
    [ii] It would make the box bigger. Bigger, heavier boxes means more expensive shipping.
    [iii] Apple will get to make even more money on each sale from people buying the matching optical drive.

    [2] The ultra portable will retail for < $1600 (�1400/€1800) and be called the MacBook Nano.
    [3] The MBP will get a facelift and a new keyboard to match the MacBook/new Apple Keyboard

    And back to this one: (

    That seems like enough. I have a sneaky suspicsion we may see a new app, because Apple likes writing Apps and they haven't done a new Applications in a long time (apart from Numbers). Apps are important to Apple because they drive the adoption of hardware.

    Here's what we may not see:
    [1] iPhone SDK, I think this may get a special event at another time.
    [2] Any pro products (Mac Pro, Cinema displays) (UPDATE: Well we've already had the Mac Pro, so this is technically a correct prediction — even before the expo even begins!).

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  • BRLawyer
    Oct 2, 04:23 PM
    When will this hacking nerd do something REALLY positive and productive to the world?

    Last time I heard, his occupation was to break into companies' IPR without any legal permission to do so...not commendable, to say the least.

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  • Stridder44
    Oct 10, 09:50 PM
    has anyone seen this yet
    there is a very mac 84 like video on the samsung site. also they came out with a 10 megapxl phone too.

    I work at Best Buy and I've messed with it. It's actually pretty cool until you roll out the giant piece of crap that is the speakers.

    May 2, 10:06 AM
    I hope performance in gps accuracy isn t affected by it...

    Accuracy, no. Time to lock, maybe slightly when traveling (more so in areas with spotty data coverage).

    Apr 25, 12:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_7 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E303 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I definitly think this is a good idea, The screen the size it is now is fine , however the most important part is the phones physical sizes which is perfect

    Mar 28, 02:44 PM
    When was the last time a standards setting, headline grabbing, everyone's gotta have it Mac application created?

    May 5, 09:30 AM
    Are you truly anti-gun or have you just not been exposed to them so that you understand how fun it is:

    1) Use a shotgun to shoot clay targets;

    2) Shoot a rifle, pistol or revolver and realize how much fun it is to shoot a gun and hit your paper target, bowling pin or tin can;

    funny how here in austria with it's conscription service one can easily see how the majority of 18 year olds turn from pro gun to anti gun within 6 months

    after being grouped together with a whole age group across intelligence levels to handle guns, one simply can not take a pro gun stance

    !� V �!
    Apr 29, 05:40 PM
    iCal has taken a turn for the worse. I makes me uneasy. :(