hiphop wallpaper

hiphop wallpaper. Hip-Hop, New Age,Gospel
  • Hip-Hop, New Age,Gospel

  • grmatt
    Apr 6, 07:39 AM
    This is possibly the dumbest thing Apple has ever done.

    I can't WAIT to go browsing though this list of stupid banner ads! I wonder if I can collect them all???!!! I LOVE pop up windows in my browser and I've always wanted to be able to view them at anytime, without having to go to annoying websites just to get each one to load. Now I can have a crap ton of banner ads right at my fingertips!!! THANKS APPLE!!!

    I hope they release a pro version of this app for the Mac OS!! Maybe they will incorporate a version inside the mail program that allows me to see ads for VIAGRA and STOCK OPPORTUNITIES IN AFRICA in cover flow!!!

    Hmmm... I must've missed the part where you are forced to download the app...

    hiphop wallpaper. wallpaper graffiti hip hop.
  • wallpaper graffiti hip hop.

  • iShater
    Jul 28, 01:44 PM
    The Audi A3 clean diesel TDI

    It is not a hybrid drive train that uses diesel with an electric, it is a pure diesel car.

    hiphop wallpaper. hiphop wallpaper. nfl psp wallpaper; nfl psp wallpaper. lacoste-rocker. Apr 10, 11:29 PM. Just ordered these from Abercrombie,
  • hiphop wallpaper. nfl psp wallpaper; nfl psp wallpaper. lacoste-rocker. Apr 10, 11:29 PM. Just ordered these from Abercrombie,

  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    You think I'd be that harsh?! I'm almost offended :P

    Forgive me, i'm getting paranoid :)

    hiphop wallpaper. hiphop wallpaper. wallpapers wolf; wallpapers wolf. mrgreen4242. Sep 12, 08:43 AM
  • hiphop wallpaper. wallpapers wolf; wallpapers wolf. mrgreen4242. Sep 12, 08:43 AM

  • lordonuthin
    May 3, 12:03 AM
    well i think i finally got my home built system running at 4.0 ghz. it has been a long journey, to say the least. but it's folding away a bigadv unit and 2 GPUs. hopefully this will last all week since i'll be away

    Great you have it working now and hopefully it will stay up a week.

    I had a power outage that I didn't know about and didn't check all of my machines for a day, oh well it's only 20 or 30 thousand points :rolleyes:

    edit: added pics

    hiphop wallpaper. hiphop wallpaper - 90019. Overall Rating:
  • hiphop wallpaper - 90019. Overall Rating:

  • balamw
    Apr 16, 01:58 PM
    Indeed, not bashing MS, but they completely over promised "longhorn" and under-delivered when Vista was released.

    But that's nothing new, to either Microsoft or Apple.

    I can't imagine how different things would be today if "Cairo" and "Copland" had materialized with all the technologies they promised over 15 years ago.

    Since then, I just wait to see what sticks, and even then, features can get deprecated in subsequent releases. I think Windows Home Server 1's Drive Extender technology was awesome, but they've pulled it from the next major release.


    hiphop wallpaper. hiphop wallpaper. kareena naked wallpaper; kareena naked wallpaper. fivepoint. May 4, 03:38 PM. Sorry, during which year of medical school do doctors
  • hiphop wallpaper. kareena naked wallpaper; kareena naked wallpaper. fivepoint. May 4, 03:38 PM. Sorry, during which year of medical school do doctors

  • takao
    Jan 12, 10:22 AM
    The bloody thing is not even released yet and you are already an expert? Give me a break.

    the iphone not being out makes it even worse
    especially for the european market where it's still 1 year away and you can get UMTS phones _today_ .etc

    can you download music from itms on your iphone ?
    one provider here offers such a service except that you pay 1 buck for the phone and the contract is somewhere around 25 or so per month ( 0cent per minute into 4 networks) but you get the top 40 charts for free every month or something like that

    1 year is a lot in the mobile phone business

    edit: oh and i just found the W850i and it _has_ a 2mp camera around here (but only 1 GB)
    but it only costs _3_ bucks with a contract

    hiphop wallpaper. wallpaper graffiti hip hop.
  • wallpaper graffiti hip hop.

  • vincenz
    Oct 5, 05:10 PM
    Wonder if he'll let me crash on his sofa!

    hiphop wallpaper. wallpaper graffiti hip hop.
  • wallpaper graffiti hip hop.

  • slffl
    Jan 8, 10:32 AM
    BTW, I had to laugh when they demoed FMV used as a wallpaper in Vista, and the crowd ooohed and awwed and clapped. :)

    is it possible to put fmv wallpaper on tiger? how?[/QUOTE]

    It looks like I was thinking of how you can use a screensaver as your wallpaper. Both Moving Desktop and Coolbackground. Serene Saver also uses FMV as wallpaper. So it's possible, but it's not built in quite yet.

    hiphop wallpaper. Wallpaper
  • Wallpaper

  • Cromulent
    Apr 27, 10:52 PM
    thats funny, as soon as someone mentions "what's a pointer"..everyone shoots to kill here, and they tell you to step out or go deep yourself in books. The last thing you'll get is a simple answer, which 1 out 20 developers give you without asking you "Have you even read the objective-C manual?? cause if not you should leave the Real Coding and go study now

    Fine. I'll give you a simple answer to "What is a pointer?".

    It is a memory address. Nothing more and nothing less. The reason people don't give you the simple answer is because it will mean nothing to you and you won't understand the answer until you have read the articles and documents that people have been trying to get you to read.

    Frankly having read this thread I think your behaviour is disgusting. People have been falling over themselves here trying to help you and you are just dismissing every single piece of help that is being offered to you.

    hiphop wallpaper. hiphop cartoons
  • hiphop cartoons

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 2, 04:02 PM
    Actually 10 comes after 9.

    You obviously missed the irony of it all (and yes, OSX is around 10 years old now). Windows was never called "1, 2, 3" etc. so there's more irony for OSX which did takes 10 years to get where it is now (i.e that's how long they've been working on OSX; OS9 has NOTHING to do with the length of time they've spent on the current OS, which has little or nothing to do with OS9 technologically other than the similarity in GUI interface (save the overlap in Carbon libraries). OSX is based on NeXTStep, itself based on Unix. It's not based on Mac Classic OS 1-9. But then my ;) should have clued you in. But then Windows haters rarely get such humor, IMO.

    hiphop wallpaper. wallpaper hip hop.
  • wallpaper hip hop.

  • Benjy91
    Apr 25, 11:47 AM
    I wonder if it'll feel noticeable.

    hiphop wallpaper. Cool Hip Hop Wallpapers
  • Cool Hip Hop Wallpapers

  • rhett7660
    Jul 27, 04:01 PM

    hiphop wallpaper. yeshua wallpaper
  • yeshua wallpaper

  • aswitcher
    Aug 7, 06:52 PM
    New Intel towers could have made a good time for new displays too... but there's another good time coming up: new displays might come alongside Leopard, with higher DPI and full resolution-independent GUI?

    Meanwhile, price drops are nice :)

    And maybe inbuilt isight and even ir receiver.

    hiphop wallpaper. Wallpapers Hip.Hop. greenstork. Sep 12, 07:02 PM. You are making a lot of Assumptions
  • Wallpapers Hip.Hop. greenstork. Sep 12, 07:02 PM. You are making a lot of Assumptions

  • ppilone
    Apr 5, 03:10 PM
    Maybe the winter interns held an app contest and the winner was guaranteed an app in the app store... :confused:

    hiphop wallpaper. hiphop wallpaper - 5317686. Overall Rating:
  • hiphop wallpaper - 5317686. Overall Rating:

  • airforce1
    May 2, 10:48 AM
    I can see how this update will have "battery life improvements" now that the phone is not going to be tracking our movements 24/7 even when all location services are shut off.

    i cant wait to see the IPS of all these apple techs here posting to support their agenda, Congress already is laughing

    hiphop wallpaper. hip hop graffiti wallpapers.
  • hip hop graffiti wallpapers.

  • twoodcc
    Aug 11, 09:03 PM
    i prefer the number 9 to be honest :p 9ghz! phoar!

    what temps are they running at? had you considered water cooling?

    i was running around 90C. i've now taken it down to just 3.9 ghz. it's still up close to around 85C. i really don't feel like messing with water cooling on this system. maybe next time

    hiphop wallpaper. wallpaper graffiti hip hop.
  • wallpaper graffiti hip hop.

  • jbennardo
    Apr 6, 10:59 AM
    Any chance we could have a App to showcase all the best Flash Banner adverts?

    Oh no, hang on a minute... ;-)

    best flash banner... a bit of an oxymoron :p


    hiphop wallpaper. Rate this Wallpaper: 1 2 3 4 5
  • Rate this Wallpaper: 1 2 3 4 5

  • Blorzoga
    May 3, 10:25 PM
    I'll buy one when it gets a capacitive pressure based screen/stylus (Like the HTC Flyer)

    Well I guess you won't be buying one then. Good luck with your HTC Flyer ( whatever th hell that is)

    hiphop wallpaper. Hiphop - girl, hip hop, hiphop
  • Hiphop - girl, hip hop, hiphop

  • Rocksaurus
    Oct 28, 06:30 PM
    Yes, big parts of it come from the BSD world.

    The BSD terms specifically allow derivatives to keep their sources closed, as long as credit is given.

    Okay. Everyone's got their own morals, but if a few people are putting OS X on their PCs, I don't see it as a huge issue. Given how complicated it is it's not really a *problem*. But if a rich company like Apple takes a free thing and makes money off of it and only gives some of it back to the community that created it and gave it away, that seems less moral (this is my opinion) regardless of what the legal documents say.

    JRM PowerPod
    Sep 12, 08:01 AM
    i have two tutes tomorrow and lecture plus i have a 10hr shift, im going to sleep, wake me up when something happens 555-2121. Enjoy

    I predict

    Movie Store (US only)
    New iPod (fullscreen)
    New iPod nano

    One more thing will be two more things

    Mar 17, 09:01 AM
    what exactly is this Karma everyone speaks of? Who brings down the karma, good or bad? Is there a Karma Fairy? Karma Bunny? Karma Leprechaun?

    Oct 17, 09:33 AM
    Being completely serious, the porn industry has a lot to do with it.

    VHS vs. BETAMAX, BETAMAX was teh better product, but the porn industry went with VHS and thus forced it into production more than BETAMAX.

    Bluray vs. HD DVD, Bluray is better, and teh porn industry has gone with Blueray. I think between all teh competitors and the porn industry Bluray will stick this one out and win it.

    Apple may also just be waiting it out a little longer to see which one is looking stronger. Yes, putting Bluray in Macs would help Bluray to win, but if they put them in, and HD DVD wins, there's a few millions Macs out there with onsolete drives in them that can't play the standard HD format disc.

    I'll give it 6 months befre Apple chooses one or the other officially to put into their machines.

    Apr 11, 09:29 PM
    Actually its the other way around. Windows 7 has leap frogged apple in terms of functionality, UI and usability.

    Apple needs to play catch up by adding some features to OSX.:o

    Working with both Windows and Mac OS X every day for the last two decades you have no idea how utterly wrong this statement is.

    Jan 9, 04:55 PM
    These are my predictions:
    iPhone 2.0:
    3G model
    16gb Storage
    Also Released in Australia

    iPhone will be release in Australia within the next month (end of Feb by the latest) only on the Telstra network. Unfortunately Telstra has exclusive rights for the iPhone, so the product will be awesome (e.g. being Apple) but the service provider will be crap....

    At my work we got a demo of the iPhone from Telstra for development reasons, we will be supplying data for a few of the services for the iPhone in Australia.