Use Mobile Phone While Driving, 16.000 People Dead

A total of 16,000 people dead due to send SMS and make calls when driving from 2001 to 2007. The victim jumped due to increased users who send SMS.
mobile phone

The number was obtained from the scientific effort that calculates the number of people killed in accidents due to cell phones. This study also shows that victims are usually aged under 30 years old.

"Our results show that an increasing number of motorists who send SMS in vehicles has resulted in the death of thousands of road users in the United States," wrote Fernando Wilson and Jim Stimpson from the University of North Texas Health Science Center.

Wilson and Stimpson using road accident data in every state and cell phone ownership data from the Federal Communications Commission.

Talking on the phone turns out to disrupt the concentration of riders.

Death due to accidents in the U.S. had declined in 2009, according to U.S. Transportation Department. The lowest amount since 1950 is 33,963 inhabitants.

For every 1 million new mobile users, Wilson and Stimpson estimates an increase of 19% the number of deaths while driving.