Public Enemies - Viewer Friendly

Johnny Depp continues to astound fans and movie goers alike with his superb acting ability. The last Depp movie that I enjoyed was Willie Wonka. He takes risks and he puts his soul on the line for every role. Even though it is Johnny Depp up there on the silver screen it isn't Johnny. It's John Dillinger. John Dillinger who had the country in such an uproar and yet the darn guy was so charming and very lucky!

Public Enemies is a perfect retelling of a part of American History that has been pushed onto the back burner. This movie has car chases, BIG GUNS, snappy dressed men in dark suits with fedora hats who smoke, drink and chase women. Oh yes they also rob banks. The shoot out scenes are near perfection as you can see the blaze of fire coming out of the barrel of the tommy gun! AMAZING and shooting and riding on the running board and having a gun battle. Does not get any better than that.

Behind every good man is a good woman and while Dillinger was not perfect, Billie loved him for who he was. Very touching emotional scenes between two wonderful actors who let their emotions run raw on the screen. The supporting actor Jason Clarke who played Red played his part to perfection.

All in all Johnny has another hit on his hands and as our country is stuggling we need a hero wether they be good or bad. Johnny portrayed Dillinger with intelligence and feeling.

Christain Bale...Christian intense in all of his fell like a nudge could just send him over the abyss again...but his intensity does heighten his roles. Sometimes a little to much but that is just my opinion.

Wow to see Leelee Sobieski in such a small supporting rol...well where has she been??

Go see Public Enemies and relive the times when we were still a little innocent and before wiretrapping and computers and technology really took off! Oh yeah and by the way Johnny looks fabulous and great and just very manly! So in closing love, action, loyalty and the way of the gun is what makes this movie worth watchting and enjoyable.