Lingerie Football League! Broadcasting live from the Rockhouse!

Radio talk show hosts Robert & Paco will broadcast live from Rockhouse, the Strip’s top nightlife destination, on Friday, January 21, with special guests Jackie Savitt, Sarah Frechete and Summer Soltis-McCoy from the Lingerie Football League’s (LFL) Las Vegas expansion team. The internet radio show will air live at 8 p.m. on Hook Jaw Net Radio.

Fans will have the opportunity to meet the newest members of Vegas’ LFL team, which will make their debut at the Lingerie Bowl, taking place during the Super Bowl half time show on Sunday, February 6.

 Robert & Paco is a weekly program that broadcasts live every Friday night from various Vegas hotspots, featuring high-profile guest interviews and sports talk.

Friday, January 21
 Broadcast 8 – 9 p.m