We all got doggone Social - This Past Week-end

Hello all my Furpals and Readers!

We live in a town of transients and 24 hours! However keep in mind that I (Lola Belle) and your canine companion will always be your true blue confident and friend. This fact was celebrated this past week-end when the first LGBT and Straight Doggie Social took place.

Friends and new friends were met and socialized with and that is not just the doggies!
Personally I had my eye on little ole Bingo...until he peed on my backpack!! So it seems like he might have a little bit of problem...GEEZ it is hard to find a good dog in this town to date. Nothing serious just some playing and walks in the park....never fear though I am an eternal optimist! Plus the fact that we will have the Doggie Socials once a month should improve my chances!! You will all be receiving the details as soon as possible so you furs can make your plans to stop on by. As always...

Paws on the Ground

Lola Belle