Lola Belle Gets Down in the Litter with Itchy & Scratchy!

It was a great honor for me to able to sit down and talk with the two “In Kits” that are Itchy and Scratchy. You know who they are! The two hardest working celebrity cats in this town. While we covered a variety of subjects here are the most interesting tidbits!

Lola Belle: So you cats must like snacks. What are your favorite ones?

Itchy: Pounce and plastic wrapping paper. Pounce does taste a lot better and it doesn’t make me throw up. But I still really like the plastic. (hummmm interesting!)

Scratchy: Pounce and my brothers head when I’m really hungry! (sidenote – that is pretty scary! I would freak if my furbrother started chewing on my head! Just a thought.)

For all your fans this is good information so they can send you oodles of POUNCE!

Lola Belle: What do you cats do on a typical day? When not working?

Itchy & Scratchy – “meowing in unison”

Dad sets the TV on his news (Fox 5) before he leaves... but Scratchy is pretty good at the remote, so we change it to reruns of “Sabrina the Teenaged Witch”...because we love Salem the cat!

Lola Belle: With certain celebrities getting in “trouble” for their use of certain substances…what is your “Official Stance” on the widespread use of Catnip among the feline set?

Itchy: (Licking his paw and not looking me in the eye) Well we just had it today. And it was personally given to us by the founder of PETA and it is natural. She likes us because we are ambassadors of the city for kindness for animals.

Scratchy: I like it! But down the road it might lead to trouble, I don’t think we are going to get paid by the South Point anymore. Mr. Gaughan says we won’t get another paycheck until we pass the employee drug test. (Food for thought for all felines when considering “catnip,” it can lead to unemployment!)

Jason: The boys are now honorary employees at The South Point. Their title is Field Mice Chasers in the equestrian center.

Lola Belle: Now that you are in the public eye and with paparazzi lurking everywhere, can we expect any scandalous behavior to surface and tarnish your image?

Meowing in unison and looking at each other, “Not exactly SCANDULOUS, but we do like to change it up and since we are twins our dates never know who they are dating.” (Itchy and Scratchy later denied saying this after pictures surfaced of them having drinks with female felines at an undisclosed location in Las Vegas!)

Lola Belle: So how did you cool cats end up with Jason?

Itchy: My brother and I were the last two kittens in the display box at the pet store. Dad's ex-girlfriend saw us and was only going to take me. But my brother was all mad and he put his paws on the she took him too. Then we went back to our first apartment...and Dad came home from work. I was there to greet him at the door...Scratchy was behind the stereo.

Dad always wanted a black cat with white paws. So I was pretty confident he'd like us. I laid down the law early on and things have ran smoothly ever since. (Well we know who is in charge here!)

Lola Belle: How has your surge of fame and being in the spotlight affected your Dad?

Scratchy: Let’s just say that a long time ago I dug my Dad’s sanity in the litter box…and he still hasn’t found it!

So you see readers Celebrities are just like us! Prone to strange behavior (plastic wrap?) and scandal. Although famous I personally found Itchy and Scratchy to be very forthcoming and open (not allowing for the later denial of the nature of the pics that surfaced.)

On a serious note the “In Kits” have brought a tremendous amount of entertainment to all Fox 5 news viewers and have done a great deal for animal awareness! They are even holders of the much coveted “Proclamation” from the Mayor Oscar Goodman. The boys are excited because they are about to launch their own website where fans can buy t-shirts and 8x10 pictures of them with a portion of the proceeds going to the NSPCA.