Lola Belle loves a good PAWTY!!!

New Friends!


Miss Maggie

Lola Belle!

The King (with studded collar) Mugsy Malone and friend

It was a night for new friends and treats! I had the honor of attending and reporting on the first Meet n Greet that I LOVE YOGURT held that brought out Bo & DeeMo and owner Dee Mounts with the King Mugsy Malone to say hello to friends! We had yummy delicious cake batter yogurt with delectable toppings that included Oreos and fresh fruit and crumbled cheesecake. Many other flavors are available. Yes I snuck a few bites here and there!

While the night belonged to the Bully Breeds, there were all types of dogs there! Including me, the “faux” Bully Breed, plus a cuteness personified Chinese crested mix and our pup pal Miss Maggie the Chihuahua! The Good Food Dog Company provided tasty healthy treats for the canines which were greeted with barks and were munched on with much enthusiasm! They provide healthy and delicious food for your canine, food that you would not hesitate to eat yourself!

When asked about what other dog owners would like to see…all dog owners agree that they would like to see more places like I LOVE YOGURT where you can grab a tasty treat and hang out with your canine! The decor there is all 80's! Which my Mom tells me was really fun! So listen up Las Vegas! Did you know that in Europe dogs are welcome almost everywhere? As long as they are well behaved and do not jump on the tables. Here in Vegas that is a whole other type of table dance!!

So please be sure and visit for luxe canine collars and leads and visit I LOVE YOGURT at 11700 W. Charleston, #124 and if you want organic wholesome food for your dog visit

Lola Belle

What Mom and I shared!