Holly World's Angel and the "Most Interesting Man in the World!"

JET Nightclub

MTV’s The Hills reality star Stephanie Pratt entertained at JET Nightclub. Stephanie and her friends danced to the skills of the DJ in their VIP section. Stephanie was singing along and having an overall amazing time. She loved the vibe at JET and exclaimed it was one of her favorite clubs in Vegas!

Also in the club, Holly’s Word co-star Angel Porrino was at JET to celebrate her girlfriend’s birthday.  Porrino and pals danced all night long and toasted their friend’s special day with a round of champagne!

Hosting a fun night was 1980’s TV Star and current endorser for Dos Equis “Most Interesting Man in the World,” Jonathan Goldsmith. He made sure everyone at The Jet was having the best time, giving shout outs to the crowd and taking requests for the DJ!