Paris Parties on at REHAB!! Very pretty in pink...

Hosting Rehab, Paris walked in with her sister Nicky and Brandon Davis looking refreshed after partying all night at Vanity the night before. They all drank and had fun dancing to the music. With the mic in hand, Paris announced to the crowd "I am single and see a lot of hot girls… So, where are the hot guys?" She then followed up by announcing Brandon Davis as her best friend since she was 2 and that he was also single and liked hot blondes. Immediately, all kinds of girls stopped by her cabana stage to “audition” for Brandon.

Later that night, Paris arrived at Vanity around 2:30 am, after partying all afternoon at Rehab. She walked in wearing a brown wig and made her way to the DJ booth to announce that the party was just getting started. She posed for a few photos, danced for the crowd, dipped and the wig came off. She made several trips to the DJ booth and the small stage in the middle of the dance floor where 51fifty, the resident DJ drummer act performed earlier in the night. She was given a mic and as the club thinned out, the crowd in front of her never went away. She put the wig back on to leave the club with her entourage.

Photo credit Hew Burney