Halloween Activities for the whole family! At community centers throughout the valley!

Fall Activities Run Amuck in Clark County

Halloween, Festivals Set for Las Vegas Valley in October

Clark County Heritage Museum

1820 Boulder Highway near Henderson


Eighth Annual Ghosts and Goblins of Nevada’s Past

4:30 to 8:30 p.m., Oct. 23-25

Children ages 3 to 13 can trick-or-treat on Heritage Street and dance to the Howlin’ DJ during three nights of fun and spookiness at the Clark County Museum . There also will be old fashioned games and costume contests for all ages. Attendees can visit the apparitions hanging around the Spider’s Lair, the Ghost Locomotive, the Haunted Depot, Creepy Caboose, Spook Alley, Ghost Town Scaretime Tours on the Trails of Fears. Activities are intended for those ages 13 and younger and their parents. There are minimal fees for certain attractions and games.

Mountain Crest Neighborhood Services Center

4701 N Durango Drive


Halloween Happening

6 to 8 p.m., Oct. 22

Children of all ages can carve their own pumpkins, get their face painted and enjoy hot apple cider, popcorn and more during this event sponsored by Albertson’s and Walgreens. Call to pre-register, as space is limited.

Paradise Recreation Center

4775 McLeod Drive, near Tropicana Avenue


Pumpkin Carving in the Park

6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Oct. 23

Kids of all ages can enjoy the autumn weather while preparing their pumpkin for Halloween. Cost is $7, which includes a pumpkin and carving kit. Adult supervision is required for children ages 6 and younger. Early registration is required as space is limited.

Those interested in any of the below events can contact the community center associated with the event, call Clark County Parks and Recreation at 455-8200 or visit the Web site at www.accessclarkcounty.com/parks. Clark County Parks and Recreation events and activities also can be found on social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook by visiting http://tinyurl.com/l87c4l.