Penn & Teller join Harrah’s Entertainment to Give Back to the Community
One-day resource fair kicks off with suit drive donation to Goodwill of Southern Nevada Comedy-magic duo Penn & Teller to present Goodwill of Southern Nevada with hundreds of men’s and women’s business suits collected throughout the Harrah’s Entertainment properties.
The Wednesday donation is to raise awareness of Harrah’s Entertainment’s ‘Giving Back to the Community’ resource fair on Thursday, April 16.Giving Back to the Community’ presented by Harrah’s Entertainment. The one-day resource fair will focus on personal and professional development.
· Thursday, April 16
· 10a.m. – 4p.m.
· Rio Pavilion Ballroom – Rio Convention Center
· Open to the public
· Workshops and presentations include opportunities to improve skills in job searching, health and wellness, nutrition, and create awareness of financial and community resources available. Highlights include: Resume review, interview practice and feedback, free mammograms, health screenings and dental checks, healthy cooking demos and more than 30 organizations providing services to the community..
Wednesday, April 15, 11 AM