More Celebrities party at the Playboy Club, front man for Maroon 5, Adam Levine arrived with a group but was seen playing blackjack for most of his stay. Dressed in a black shirt and jeans, he drank FIJI water and also stopped by to say hello to Playboy Playmate Miss April, Crystal McCahill who was the special host for Playboy Club last night. Dressed in a short black dress, McCahill was accompanied by a group of seven and enjoyed Perrier Jouet Champagne at their VIP table.
Upstairs in Moon Nightclub, San Diego Chargers wide receiver, Kassim Osgood partied at a table with seven guests. The table enjoyed a bottle of Le Tourment Vert Absinthe as well as Perrioer Jouet Champagne.
Porn star Mary Carey also partied at Moon Nightclub and arrived with four others. Carey wore a peach cocktail dress and drank Red Bull and Ketel One.
Photos credit: Shane O’Neal/N9NE Group