Alicia Jacobs "dishes" on the Miss USA Pageant!

Alicia Jacobs is Channel's 3 Entertainment Reporter. She has interviewed the "A Listers" in Hollywood and Music. Not only that but she is a tremendous supporter of animal charities and foundations (four paws up from Lola Belle!) With all of this expertise and also with her pageant background Miss Nevada USA and Miss United States; it was a natural fit for her to be a judge for this year's Miss USA beauty pageant.

How excited were you to be a judge for Miss USA?

I was so thrilled to judge Miss USA! As a former title holder, it's an unbelievable honor to be asked to sit at that judges table...I felt as though I had truly come full circle. I'm such a geek, that I actually got choked up when the telecast started!

What were your thoughts when Perez Hilton introduced himself as thebiggest ..... at the breakfast meeting?
Myself, as well as everyone else in the room just busted out laughing. It was soooo early in the morning, & a rather serious meeting. Truthfully, I always think humor is a great thing to bring to almost any moment. You kinda had to be there to truly appreciate how funny it was!

How hard do you think is was for Miss California to answer thatquestion?

I think it was pretty tough for all 5 of the finalists to answer their particular question. I definitely felt that Miss North Carolina did the best job answering. Often times, contestants think they have to "out-do" the other women, & that's when they usually say too much, or even worse, ramble. I think Miss Ca. fell into that trap. She started off ok...& she should have quit while she was ahead. For me, as a judge, it was her lack of articulation rather than the content of her answer I found troubling.

What is your fondest memory of being a contestant?
Well, without question, my #1 fondest memory is of course the moment my name was announced as the winner! That's a feeling that can never be equaled. The other highlights include all of the people I met during my reign. It was the greatest learning experience of my life. It absolutely prepared me for the career I have today.

Who was your favorite?
My favorite was probably Miss Tennessee, but she didn't make it past the top 10. Of the 5 finalists, I saw Miss North Carolina as the best all-around "package." Kristen Dalton is beautiful, good heart, physically fit, & extremely well-spoken...the perfect Miss USA.

Thank you for answering our questions Alicia and we always look forward to seeing you and your broadcasts!!
Photo Credit - Guady PR